5 foods to favor to boost children’s concentration, according to an expert

5 foods to favor to boost childrens concentration according to

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    Is your child having trouble staying focused? Nutrition can help you! Discover 5 foods to boost concentration according to a doctor.

    Is keeping your child focused a real challenge? For some of them, staying captivated for more than a few minutes is a big deal! Fortunately, there are multiple methods to improve your child’s ability to concentrate. Among these solutions, lifestyle and nutrition are essential elements. Dr. Uma Naidoo, nutritional psychiatrist, recommends 5 foods with many benefits to maintain your child’s attention.

    1) The smoothie

    The smoothie is a drink that contains a mixture of fruits. Depending on the recipes, you can add vegetables, yogurt, milk, or juice. This drink is ideal for your child because it allows you to subtly introduce the foods you want to include in their diet. For example, add flavors he likes to tone down the taste of vegetables he’s less fond of. It’s time to give him lots of nutrients! To do this, choose ingredients rich in fiber. On the other hand, opt for raw fruits and vegetables which provide more vitamins.

    2) Hummus

    Hummus is quick and easy to cook. What is it made of? Mixed chickpeas forming a creamy paste, mixed with lemon, garlic and a little oil… In summary: only good things for your health!

    This preparation is a source of vegetable proteins which has a very satiating effect. It contains many nutrients essential for a child’s growth and cognitive development. In fact, all the ingredients will provide vitamins A, C and E, magnesium, potassium and iron. It is therefore a very interesting food from a nutritional point of view.

    The expert’s tip for getting your child to eat hummus? Serve it with raw vegetables in sticks, which you can dip in the preparation!

    3) Salmon

    Thanks to its omega-3 fatty acid content, it is one of the best fish for health. It is also an important source of protein and therefore has many health benefits. Indeed, proteins play an essential role in brain development, heart health and muscle development in children. Eating salmon will prevent your child from certain diseases.

    However, be careful to cook it well. In France, it is recommended to wait until the child is five years old before offering them raw or smoked fish. On the other hand, be careful because fish is one of the most common allergens. You must therefore be careful that your child is not allergic to it!

    4) Egg

    Eggs are an excellent food to help your child concentrate. Why ? Like other foods, it is extremely nutritious because it contains a high level of protein. It also provides essential nutrients such as vitamins B12 and D, iron, zinc as well as choline which supports brain development.

    Boiled, soft-boiled, fried or even in the form of an omelette… there are lots of ways to prepare an egg! This makes it a practical option for children’s meals.

    However, as with fish, you have to be careful because it is a common allergen.

    5) Vegetable fries

    Vegetables are very good foods since they contain a lot of fiber and vitamins. Their benefits? They hydrate the body, satiate in a healthy way, promote the proper functioning of transit, protect against the onset of diseases and provide energy.

    However, it can sometimes be complicated to get your child to eat it. For this, Dr. Naidoo suggests giving him vegetables in the form of fries. This technique makes him love vegetables. According to the doctor: “This is a fun and colorful way to eat fiber and phytonutrients which are excellent for digestive health“. She also advises: “opt for carrots, red peppers, tomatoes and squash which are known for their ability to support concentration and mental health due to their specific nutrients”.

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