“4211 km” by Aïla Navidi, a story of exile between Tehran and Paris

4211 km by Aila Navidi a story of exile between

Until February 25, 2024, Aïla Navidi presents on the stage of Studio Marigny in Paris her multi-awarded piece “ 4211 km “. A universal journey between Paris and Tehran. A family fresco on exile, on identity and transmission.

Today, VMDN takes you on a theatrical journey. “ 4211 km » is the distance that separates Tehran from Paris, “4211 km” is the story of an exile, that of a young couple, Mina and Fereydoun Farahadi, forced to flee Iran in 1979 to seek refuge in France, after a revolution that the Islamic Republic of Ayatollah Khomeini confiscated from them.

4211 km » is a piece about uprooting, heritage, identity, transmission. But it is also a play about commitment and the fight for freedom. A family fresco with universal accents, lively, funny, modest and moving. It plays until February 25, 2024 at Studio Marigny in Paris.

The director and playwright Aïla Navidi accompanied by actors Sylvain Begert And Olivia Pavlou Graham are the guests of VMDN.

Reporting : The Paris Fashion Week marathon has begun. Last week was dedicated to men’s ready-to-wear brands, and this week it’s the turn of haute couture. Emma Garboud-Lorenzoni went to the show of Imane Ayissi, the first black designer to be part of the haute-couture calendar of Paris Fashion Week.
