4 must-see beauty podcasts for a boosted back-to-school season

4 must see beauty podcasts for a boosted back to school season

To get the new school year off to a good start, take inspiration from the most listened to beauty podcasts. The latest cosmetics brands, pioneering influencers in the sector or even fashionable well-being tips… grab your headphones, it’s time for the beauty break!

Podcasts are the ideal parenthesis for a hectic back to school! And beauty, too, has gradually invaded the platforms with advice, tutorials, testimonials and other benevolent speeches. We have selected the most informative podcasts for you, inviting us to see beyond appearances. Product manufacturing secrets, routes to successful brands, tips for boosting self-confidence… Here are the best beauty and wellness podcasts to perfect its culture and reconcile with its image.

For a sharp approach to beauty: “PodKat Beauty”

He is the first beauty podcast to have emerged. Created in September 2017 by Katya Thomas, former media manager at Sisley and L’Oréal Luxe, PodKat Beauté meets the various players in the sector. Brand creators, scientific directors, models, journalists, make-up artists, each interview is dug in depth, addressing the most relevant themes of today’s society. Whether it is the ecological approaches of cosmetic brands, the environmental actions carried out by beauty companies or professionals involved in cosmetology, each speech is scrutinized. Why are we validating this podcast? Katya Thomas gives the floor to new personalities with relevance and benevolence.

Duration : Between 20 minutes and 1 hour.

© PodKat Beauty

To understand beauty from all angles: “Let’s Talk B”

Through her podcast “Parlons B”, Nolyne Cerda, women’s press journalist, extends her microphone to beauty and well-being specialists, but not only! It comes to deconstruct the stigmatizing patterns of the material by questioning and comparing the opinions of each. From his relatives to the greatest creators of cosmetics, it alternates between investigated interviews and light testimonials. The objective is both to inform about the news not to be missed, to discover new practices but also to raise awareness. The tone is fresh, complicit and benevolent. Conversations without jargon to be found every week, highly inspiring.

Duration : Between 20 minutes and 1 hour.

let's talk
© Let’s talk B.

To find out more about the personalities behind our cosmetics: “BeautyToaster”

Want to know how the Aésop brand was born? To know everything about the French success story of the Caudalie brand? To learn more about the history of the Clarins family? This podcast is perfect for deepen your knowledge of beauty. Every week, journalist Chantal Soutarson receives a personality in the world of beauty and well-being behind our favorite cosmetics brands. Enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, perfumers, beauticians, chemists… They reveal the underside of the creation of a brand, the failures they have experienced or even the secrets of how products are made. Enough to satisfy the curiosity of beauty addicts!

Duration : Between 20 and 45 minutes

© BeautyToaster

To nourish her beauty from within: “Blowout”

Claire is the founder of the “Atelier Nubio” brand. A company specializing in food supplements and fresh juices intended to act on the body, skin and hair. She considers beauty in a holistic way, in its entirety, passing through its emotional and spiritual form as well as purely physical. This is also the vision that she seeks to convey through her podcast “Coup d’Éclat”. This is why its guests come from very different backgrounds: aesthetic doctors, fitness coaches, beauty journalists… Everyone brings their two cents and helps us to optimize our beauty routine by understanding what’s going on inside. Speeches without taboos particularly enlightening!

Duration : Between 10 and 45 minutes

coup declat
© Shine

All podcasts are available for free download in the App Store, Google Play and on audio streaming platforms (Spotifiy, Deezer and Soundcloud).
