Month: April 2024
Fairs and exhibitions: this rule you absolutely must know to avoid being fooled
Are you planning to go to the Paris Fair at the beginning of May? Here is a rule that you should keep in mind before making any purchase. Each year,…
The cost of mental illness is $282 billion per year in the United States.
News Published on 04/28/2024 at 7:02 p.m. Updated 04/28/2024 at 7:02 p.m. Reading 3 min. Act to stem what we now call the evil of the century. This is the…
4 Types of “Assholes” You May Meet at Work According to Tony Fadell (You’ll Probably Recognize One)
News Published on 04/29/2024 at 3:13 p.m. Updated 04/29/2024 at 3:13 p.m. Reading 2 min. Tony Fadell is an expert in business creation. He led the teams that created the…
The last hours of Ayrton Senna
A talented driver, Senna had an exaggerated taste for risk, a strong character, ready to do anything to win, which earned him certain enmities, but absolute respect from his peers…
Turkcell is doubling GBs specially for its 30th anniversary
One of the largest operators in Turkey Turkcell Specially for its 30th anniversary, GBs were doubled. folds. The statement from the company on this subject was as follows: “Turkey’s leading…
EU sells 3.1 million emission allowances at auction at 65.26 euro/t
(Finance) – The European Union sold 3.1 million emission quotas (EUA) on the European Energy Exchange (EEX) a 65.26 euros per ton today, according to the report of the same…
“Having us massacred in silence will not be our destiny” – L’Express
Above all, we send all our heartfelt and devastated thoughts to the victims of these last days. Far from being just a succession of “news events”, the outbreak of violence…
how to manage someone who is afraid of change? – The Express
“It was better before.” “We know what we’re losing, we don’t know what we’re going to find.” “Are you sure the grass is greener elsewhere?” “Think before you let go…
the figures of an unprecedented crisis – L’Express
The fall is historic. The number of building permits continued to decline in France, standing at 358,600 housing units authorized for construction between April 2023 and March 2024 – or…
Rien forgot where his car was, but he is far from the only one
Finally, Max responds on Instagram: “Tip for everyone. You can indicate where you are parked via Google Maps.” To do this, you need to open the Google Maps app on…