The First of Many Steps was Taken On Tuesday Toward Norfolk County Making Five Plags of Riverfront Land On Pond and Argyle Streets in Simcoe Avairable for Redevelopment.
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The Land is about 3.4 acres in size and consists of parking lots, open space and vacant training industry buildings.
At a public Hearing Committee Meeting, Councillors Received as Information A Report from County Staff With Details of Office Plan and Zoning bylaw Amendments that would make way for new development.
The Changes Would Allow A Range of Non-Residential Uses Within the Existing Buildings and sites at 87-129 Pond Street, 73 Victoria St. and an unaddrédéd Property on Pond Street. In addition, it would allow for apartments with a limited range of non-residential uses on the group floor and a parking lot at 86 argyle st.
“It’s really to provide a catalyst (for downtown revitalization) on these fartes that you own,” Said Michael Keene, a Land Use Planner with Fotenn Planning, Which was hired by the country. “There are no set plans on how these might develops. Rather, The Work we donated is testing scenarios to open up your official plan and zoning to try to put these under-tutilized country properies into Better use for the country.
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“Future WOULD HAVE to occur applications, where Those are initiated by the County or where you partner with developers. Those Have not Been Entertaine at this time. This is the First Step of A Multi-Step Process. ”
Sale Issuing A Submission of Interest in 2021 to explore potential use for these properies, Norfolk County has continued to investigate the future of the sites.
Options for the Pond Street Rental Include The Adaptive Re-Us the Existing Buildings on the Site for A Range of Downtown Uses, Such As Retail, Service, Office, Institutional, Cultural and Commercial Space. Residential uses isn’t possible because the owner is within the floodplain.
A 19th Century Building at 89 Pond St., Once Home to the Mitt and GLOVE CO., has been used for various purposes over the years, but has been vacant for some time.
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Part of the plan, Said Keene, is to “get that building back into use for you.”
Across the river, the argyle street property, which is connected to the trail network, “is intended to be positioned to allow for Needed Apartment Development Near the Downtown, Along with the Potential To Reserve Some Public Parking Space,” Said a News Released Issued Issued Issued Issued Issued By the County Last Month. The Ground Floor Could be used for a ranges of non-residential uses, included a daycare, laundromat or restaurant.
Frank Gelinas, A Member of the Board of Directors for Simcoe Community Homes, Spoke to Councillors about the need for one of its buildings – Lynn View Terrace – To Retain Parking Space.
Residents of Lynn View Terrace, A 56-Unit, Four-Storey Apartment, Which Offers Retur-Gered-to-Income Housing for Seniors at 85 Argyle St., is directly across the street from the subject lands. Residents have been using parking spots at 86 argyle for close to 40 years.
Gelinas Said Initially there was a lease Agreement for parking with the Town of Simcoe That Lapsed Many Years Ago. But he asked coucil to consider address residents’ parking needs in its plans.
“We’d also consider joining with a future development to provide affordable housing on the lot,” Said Gelinas.
County Staff will prepare a report with a recommendation on the zoning and official plan changes, which will be considered by council at a future meeting.