Zoff in the jungle camp: Maurice Dziwak attacks Timur ülker with fake allegations

Zoff in the jungle camp Maurice Dziwak attacks Timur ulker

For Maurice Dziwak it was on the eleventh day of I am a star – get me out of here! closely. In addition to Edith Stehfest, he was one of the candidates: inside, who could win the least votes for themselves. However, they were lucky that day that nobody was chosen out.

The lion on the ground: Maurice depressed due to the result

When Maurice learns the result of the spectators: he cannot believe it. Only Edith is under him and He has to worry about his place in the jungle camp. The other jungle participants: try to comfort him inside – in vain.

Convinced of his expulsion, he breaks out in tears in the jungle phone. “I am disappointed with me. I promised at home that I will give everything here and the dad wins this“, the reality star admits. Lilly joins him at the waterfall and hugs him.”Now you have to fight! Now you have to be the lion!“Lilly tries to motivate him.

Timur ülker’s consolation leads to fake allegations

Some time later, Maurice is still depressed, Timur ülker joins him. He tells Maurice that he and his family were also depressed after his daughter’s eye diagnosis. “We can’t let our heads hanging. We have to continue fighting“Timur’s family thought at the time after the stroke of fate.

Brother, that’s something else“Maurice speaks. At Timur’s note that she would be like a family in the jungle camp, Maurice replies:”Not even a WhatsApp group will come about here. You can’t speak of family“. The reality star is then really angry on the jungle phone:

You can’t compare this story with a possible throw out in the next few days – that doesn’t work at all. It’s normal that I’m a little sad.

Maurice opens again for Jörg Dahlmann at the waterfall. “I always hate that when he comes to me and wants to tell me something“The reality star explains and breaks air:

Then he tells his story about his life and projects onto my story. But Jörg, you see, the progress. This fake shit. You can’t trust anyone, you will see the real faces when the show is over.

When Maurice Timur confronts it, he cannot believe it at all. “Do you mean that seriously right now?“, Asks the GZSZ actor back. When Maurice justifies himself, Timur fires back:”You are talking about my daughter, I think You should be ashamed“The GZSZ star does not understand what Maurice’s problem is and only has hard words for him:”It is hideous that you think that way“. Both no longer come together and differ after a violent debate.

Who has to leave the jungle camp on day 12

To the surprise of everyone involved Sam Dylan had to leave the camp on the twelfth day. So hopes and dreams for the reality star have burst and he has to go home.

I’m a star – get me out of here! becomes Daily at 8:15 p.m. on RTL. The program is available as a live stream on RTL+, all consequences are then available as a recording.
