Zoëga leaves KS for job in dictatorship

Zoega leaves KS for job in dictatorship



full screen Björn Zoëga, hospital director at Karolinska University Hospital, gets a new job in Saudi Arabia. Archive photography Photo: Lisa Arfwidson/Svd/TT

Karolinska University Hospital’s former director Björn Zoëga has got a new job. On April 1, he will start a new managerial position – at a specialist hospital in the dictatorship of Saudi Arabia, writes DN.

Björn Zoëga becomes deputy director at the King Faisal Specialist hospital and Research center, which is run by the Saudi state.

– Saudi Arabia is opening up a lot, says Zoëga.

Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy and Islamic state. Capital punishment and executions are common and freedom of expression is severely restricted. Zoëga believes there is a chance to make a difference.

– You should think about human rights. But the patients have the same needs. So I think I can contribute and do something good for the system.
