(Finance) – Promote the principles of integrity, strengthen the global anti -corruption commitment at all levels and attract attention to the importance of the objective ‘Zero Corruption’as eighteenth SDG of the United Nations. The “Zero Corruption Forum” returns to the capital, now in its second edition and which was held at MAXXI Museum – National Museum of the Arts of the 21st century of Rome. The convention was organized by Business at Oecd (BIAC) and Autostrade per l’Italiain collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
“In the last year our zero corruption poster has gained consent between countries, public organizations and private sector: it highlights how education, capacity building and digital technologies are fundamental levers to strengthen integrity, transparency and resilience in companies. In this context, it becomes essential to simplify anti -corruption rules and reduce bureaucracy, also guaranteeing a targeted support for SMEs”, Nicola AlloccaDirector of Risk, Business Integrity & Rezilience of Autostrade per l’Italia, president of the OECD Business Anti -Corruption Committee and Covers of the Task Force Integrity & Compliance of the B20 South Africa.
The event brought together business integrity experts, leader of the public and private sector, academics, representatives of civil society and international organizations. An important opportunity for comparison to develop innovative solutions and consolidate interinstitutional collaboration. To take part, among others, the deputy minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation Edmondo Ciriellithe OECD Business Executive Director Hanni Rosenbaumthe coordinator of the interinstitutional anti -corruption table of the Maeci Raffaele Langellathe Maeci councilor for legal diplomacy Giovanni Tartaglia Polcini and the ANAC president Giuseppe Busia. The vice -president of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Antonio Tajani and with a video message the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio spoke with a written text.
“Today’s meeting offers the possibility to reflect on the state of progress of political and diplomatic initiatives for the prevention and contrast to any form of corruption and to reiterate the commitment of the Farnesina in this field. – underlines the Minister Tajani – Farnesina promotes integrity as an element characterizing the internationalization strategy of our companies and support for exports. Legal diplomacy therefore supports economic diplomacy “.
“As a magistrate I have dealt for a long time for corruption. National corruption has been and is one of the negativity that cost Italy a couple of points of GDP, they remove foreign investments, cancel the principle of the certainty of the law and above all compromise competition. To this to this has been added international corruption, globalization it was known that it would bring with it this aspect. – The words of the Minister Nordio – Our task is to reduce this phenomenon and to prevent the fundamental principles of free competition and the quantity of investments in our country “.
The role of the private sector is fundamental and, precisely in this perspective, during the day the rumors of large companies on the international scene, to discuss innovative solutions in the fight against corruption, with a specific focus on three key aspects: the adoption of the new ones have been alternated. High-Level Principles on Anti-Corruption Capacity-Building of the G7; the impact of technologies in the prevention and contrast of corruption; The crucial role of small and medium -sized enterprises (SMEs) in the stabilization and transparency of the supply chains. The initiative was also a moment of relaunch of the Ibid project (Italian Business Integrity Day), aimed at supporting the internationalization of the integrity models adopted by Italian economic actors, in line with the standards and the best global practices.
The Anti -Corruption Committee of Business At Oecd (BIAC) represents the private sector, with beyond 10 million companies and in More than 55 countrieswith the aim of disseminating the zero corruption manifesto, which deals with the anti -corruption as eighteenth point of the sustainable development objectives (SDGS) of the UN Agenda 2030, considering the corrupt behaviors among the main causes of inequalities in the world.
The Business At Oecd Zero Corruption Manifesto, launched in November 2022, is a document that establishes 10 guiding principles to achieve the zero corruption goal in tangible actions, which are based on the best practices of international bodies, including OECD, G20 and B20. The Manifesto proposes to treat the contrast to corruption as a specific objective in the SDG 2030 agenda of the United Nations. Over the years, the ASPI group has undertaken to establish and spread principles of integrity and rules of conduct in the fight against corruption as pillars of corporate culture, contributing to the international debate on transparency and business ethics, also thanks to direct participation in the tables such as OECD, B20 and Transparency International.