Zemmour, towards a crash in the legislative elections?

Zemmour towards a crash in the legislative elections

Look for an alliance to survive the legislative elections. This is the ad that Éric Zemmour could have sent to Marine Le Pen. Since the second round of the presidential election, on April 24, the leader of the Reconquest party has multiplied calls for the former candidate of the National Rally. If she was his rival during the campaign, he now needs her to ensure legislative victories. But it is not won.

The about-face was spectacular. A few hours after tackling the “ eighth defeat of the Le Pen clan In the presidential election on Sunday evening, Éric Zemmour published a series of honey-flavored tweets.

The former Reconquest candidate offers a meeting with Marine Le Pen to form a coalition. Desperate tweets that will go unanswered. Marine Le Pen is determined to reign supreme on the far right.

The electoral map is merciless for Éric Zemmour: his 7% in the first round of the presidential election gives him a chance of winning in only three Parisian constituencies.

So much so that some Reconquest lieutenants! already imagine stepping over the legislative elections. Moreover, the figures of the party do not rush to be candidates. Eric Zemmour, the first, hesitates. Marion Maréchal, pregnant, is also thinking.

Reconquête!, with its more than 100,000 members and a reputedly well-stocked fund, could survive. But politically, a failure would be expensive. The Zemmourist camp would be non-existent in the Assembly, even less audible on the national scene.

►Read also: French Presidential: Marine Le Pen’s score in Overseas is “ unpublished »
