The world closely follows Russia’s attempt to invade Ukraine. Western sanctions have not yet made Russia back down. When the negotiations between the two countries were inconclusive, the Ukrainians had to leave their country. According to the statement made by Ukraine, 13 thousand Russian invaders have been killed so far.
The war between Russia and Ukraine, which started on February 24, has been going on for 18 days. Addressing the Ukrainian people, Zelenskiy made statements about the losses of Russia and the latest situation in Mariupol. President Zelenskiy said in a statement, “It’s Sunday but who cares. 8 long years of war in Donbass. 18th day of Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Almost 13 thousand invaders were killed in 18 days. Russia suffered more losses than the Chechen war. Russia “We have lost thousands of military technical vehicles, 74 planes, 86 helicopters. We know that they have more in their hands and we will continue to defend. Ukraine will not give up, the soldiers will not give up, the people will not give up. Ukraine is fighting heroically,” he said.
Stating that evacuations and humanitarian aid trucks were blocked, Zelenskiy said, “We evacuated approximately 125 thousand citizens and transported them to safe areas. Today, our important task is the city of Mariupol. Our humanitarian aid truck is 80 kilometers, that is, 2 hours from this city, but the invaders are preventing it. Ukraine sent 100 tons of humanitarian aid to that region. “We are using all diplomatic means to reach this aid. Let’s see if Moscow will hear this. I know that 40 million Ukrainians are in a difficult situation, but we will win 100 percent. Long live Ukraine.”