Zelenskyi to EPN: The same thing that happened to Finland in the Second World War must not happen to Ukraine

Zelenskyi to EPN The same thing that happened to Finland

KIEV / HELSINKI President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi tells that he believes that the Ukrainian war will end differently than the Finnish wars in World War II. Zelenskyi stated that Finland lost not only its territories in the war, but also a lot of people.

– I feel that such an opportunity cannot be given, Zelenskyi answered ‘s interview question in Kyiv.

According to Zelenskyi, it was insulting and unfair that other countries did not help Finland in the war. He probably referred to the Finnish winter war in his answer.

Today, Thursday, Zelenskyi gave a joint interview to Nordic journalists in Kyiv. was represented by a journalist Maxim Fedorov. The cheerful and good-natured president thanked the Nordic countries for their support on several occasions.

– The Nordic countries, unlike some other partners, have not broken their promises, Zelenskyi said.

Zelenskyi hopes for help from Finland in air defense and the air force

Zelenskyi also said that it is not yet possible to assess whether Finland’s Ukraine policy will change with the incoming government.

– I hope that cooperation with the new government of Finland will also go well, because Finnish society supports Ukraine, Zelenskyi said at the event.

According to Zelenskyi, Ukraine is hoping for help from Finland for its air defense and air force. According to Zelensky, Ukraine needs fighter jets for its counterattack.

According to Zelensky, the handover of Finnish Hornet fighters to Ukraine depends on how Finland can influence the United States. Ukraine has no other options.

Finland’s outgoing prime minister Sanna Marin (sd.) pointed out in the spring that Finland should discuss donating Hornet F/A-18 fighters to Ukraine. Internationally, there has been discussion about the possibility of donating F-16 fighters.

The handover of both fighter models would require permission from the manufacturing country, the United States, which so far has not considered the matter relevant.

Zelenskyi: the counterattack needs Western weapons

According to Zelensky, the future counteroffensive of Ukraine is becoming very important. He said he believes in its success and that the Crimean peninsula will also be returned to Ukraine.

According to Zelenskyi, Ukraine’s success depends on arms supplies from the West.

– We want to save as many lives as possible, so the number of weapons is decisive, Zelenskyi said.

According to Zelensky, the Russian troops are losing their motivation every day.

– They fear us and also their own if they want to back down, Zelenskyi said.

Zelenskyi did not reveal any details or timetables of the counterattack. It is generally estimated that it could start in spring or early summer.

Zelenskyi also warned of the possibility that the war would continue for years or decades.

– It is more profitable for other countries to support Ukraine now than to raise the risk of the third world war, Zelenskyi said.

Zelenskyi: I’m not a good father

Zelenskyi also commented on his own coping skills. He stated that he cannot take a vacation from the war.

– I live through all the tragedies. I have no right to say that we are used to war, Zelenskyi said.

Zelenskyi said that in the mornings he would rather read literature than browse the Internet.

With Volodymyr Zelenskyi and his spouse Olena Zelenska have two children. He said that balancing the leadership of a country at war with fatherhood is an impossible equation.

– I can be a good president, but I’m not a good father. The children are raised by my wife and the war.

Zelenskyi also answered ‘s question about what has been the most memorable moment during the full-scale war.

– The first liberated settlement was like a burst of new life, Zelenskyi said.

In an interview with Nordic journalists

A group of seven journalists were present at the joint interview of the Nordic media, which gathered in the afternoon at the presidential office in Kyiv.

During the one and a half hour interview, Zelenskyi had time to answer more than 20 questions regarding the future counter-offensive of Ukraine, scenarios for the end of the war, Western arms aid and relations with Western partners.

Zelenskyi has given other group interviews during the war. In March of last year, he was interviewed by Russian independent journalists and in September by French media.

President Zelensky’s communication skills are of great importance in the war in Ukraine. See how he succeeds in his communication in this video:
