Zelenskyi: Fears attack on nuclear power plants

  • Zelenskyi: Fears attack on nuclear power plants

    In his speech to the UN General Assembly, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warns of Russian attacks on the nuclear power plant.

    – That must never happen, he says according to TT.


  • Two drivers have collided in Hagfors – smoke from one of the vehicles

    The emergency services received an alarm just before 15:30 on Wednesday afternoon that two drivers had collided on Länsväg 246 in Hagfors.

    Emergency services are on the scene with police and an ambulance.

    – We have taken out a person from one of the vehicles who was stuck with his leg, says Magdalena Andersson, group leader at SOS.

    There is smoke coming from one of the vehicles involved and the forecast is that traffic will be completely closed until 16.40.

    – We have no information about the state of the damage and how many are injured, says Magdalena Andersson.

  • SAS cancels all flights to Stockholm

    SAS cancels all its departures between Sundvall-Timrå Airport to Stockholm during November and December.

    It reports Sundsvall’s newspaper.

    – This is a real setback for us, who had expected to move towards a better year, says airport manager Frank Andersson to the newspaper.

  • Fire on balcony – risk of spread

    There is a fire in an apartment building in Hisings Backa in Gothenburg.

    The alarm came in at 15:12 on Wednesday afternoon.

    The emergency services are on site with a larger resource.

    – The fire started on a balcony. There is a risk of spreading upwards towards the roof and the wind, says Lydia Bradaric, alarm and line operator at the rescue service.

    According to the police, there are no reports of any injuries.

    – We support the rescue service by keeping cordons around the scene, says Hans-Jörgen Ostler, the police’s press officer.

    There is currently no criminal classification.

    – All the focus now is on making sure no one gets hurt. After that we will take a closer look at the circumstances.

  • The horror ship Ruby is in the English Channel

    The horror ship Ruby as it leaves the harbor in Norway. Photo: Stian Saur/Nordlys/TT

    The damaged ship Ruby, loaded with 20,000 tons of ammonium nitrate, is now in the English Channel, according to Marine Traffic, which has real-time data on sea traffic.

    The cargo ship has been denied port access in several countries due to safety concerns following technical problems that arose when the ship ran aground off the coast of northern Norway in August.

    Where it is going is still unclear.

  • Chinese missile has landed near Hawaii

    China’s Ministry of Defense announced on Wednesday morning that it had test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) in the Pacific Ocean.

    Now the Japanese news site states 47News that the missile landed south of Hawaii.

  • Lunch boxes missing from workplace

    Police in Sundsvall have been alerted to a construction site because an unauthorized person is said to have been there. The police write this on their website.

    Clothes and food boxes must be missing from the workplace.

    The police searched the area for the person but did not find a suspect.

    The whole thing is being investigated as trespassing and petty theft.

  • Reduced protection for the wolf after EU decision

    Wolves have been strictly protected according to the Species and Habitats Directive’s classification, which meant that all hunting has had to take place with exception regulations.

    But now a majority of EU member states have voted again on a proposal to lower the wolf’s protection status in Europe.

    The result could lead to it becoming easier to allow wolf hunting in most of the EU’s countries – and that Sweden thus avoids being dragged before the EU’s court for the hunt that has already been carried out for several years, writes TT.

    – I see this as an extremely important and long-awaited decision. This could mean that in the future we can reduce the bureaucracy and create a simpler and more predictable system around wolf management, says Jägareförbundet’s chairman Peter Eriksson in a press release.

    Sweden’s wolf hunting has long been questioned by the EU Commission, which, however, has not yet taken Sweden to the EU court on the matter.

    The wolf population in the EU is estimated at around 19,000 animals.

  • Several people in a fight in Kalmar – three injured

    Police and ambulance have moved to an address in Smedby west of Kalmar.

    – We have received information that three people are injured, says police spokesperson Fredrik Bratt.

    The extent of the injury is currently unknown.

    – We have no information that anyone will be seriously injured, but it is always difficult to assess, says Fredrik Bratt.

    The incident is currently classified as assault.

  • Northvolt cases of 60 million with the Kronofogden

    More and more companies are engaging the Norwegian Crown Prosecutor to get paid from crisis-stricken Northvolt, reports DN.

    According to an extract from the Norwegian Crown Authority’s register on 19 September, there were 49 ongoing cases linked to the company – for a total of SEK 61.9 million.

    The majority of cases concern the Skellefteå factory, where 1,000 people lost their jobs earlier this week.

    The requirements come from, among other things, banks, car rental companies and Skellefteå municipality.

  • Traffic accident between car and bicycle

    A bicycle and a car are said to have collided at Mörners väg in Växjö.

    – We just arrived at the scene, I don’t yet know if anyone is in need of care, says police spokesperson Katarina Rusin.

  • Technical support for Swedbank

    Photo: screenshot

    During the morning, Swedbank’s customers had problems logging in to both the bank’s website and app.

    – I can confirm that it is difficult for some customers to log in. It is something we regret and are working to resolve, says Charlotte Nilsson, press officer at Swedbank.

  • Hostage drama on a bus in Los Angeles

    Police in Los Angeles chased a stolen MTA bus overnight with passengers held hostage, as reported by AXN News, among others.

    Only after an hour did the police manage to stop the bus. The man who drove the bus was arrested shortly after 2 am.

    A passenger is said to have been shot and is considered to be seriously injured, Fox News reports, among other things.

    According to a witness to the frenzy, it was all “like a scene from the movie Speed”.

  • Man hit by truck – life-threatening injuries

    At 10.40 on Wednesday morning, a man in his 60s was hit by a truck in Norrköping.

    He had to be taken to hospital by ambulance and is now being treated in ICU with life-threatening injuries, Region Östergötland states.

  • Car crash in Solna – driver battered

    Two cars have collided on the E4 in the southbound direction at Sörentorp.

    – We will draw up a notification about contagion. You are obliged to stop, even if you are not responsible for the accident, says Robert Sennerdal, police spokesperson.

    The person who remained at the scene had to go to the hospital for a check-up without serious injuries.

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