Zelenskyi defiantly released a video of his office in Kiev

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi defiantly conveyed a message from the president’s office. He said he would remain in Kiev, threatened by Russian invasion.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyiwhich has so far relayed its video message to Ukrainians and the rest of the world from an unknown location, made its latest appeal from the President ‘s Office late Monday.

The shot recorded by Zelensky himself on his mobile phone begins with a view of Kiev. At first, the president described it as Monday night – and that Monday is said to be a bad day.

– During the war, every day is like a Monday, he compared.

Zelenskyi assured that he and his colleagues will remain in Kiev, and that soldiers and regional defense fighters will also remain in place.

Zelenskyi called them heroes.

Russia is expected to prepare for an attack on the Ukrainian capital. Armored barriers have been erected in the center and outskirts of Kiev. The city of Irpin, right next door, has already been destroyed.

Despite the state of war, Zelenskyi assured that the people will perform their duties and be where they should be. He listed separately doctors, rescue workers, car drivers, diplomats and journalists.

Bankova Street will remain in the history of Ukraine

Zelenskyi said that after becoming president, he had planned to move the democratic and reform-minded Ukrainian state administration to new modern premises, away from the center of Kiev.

The situation has now changed. Zelenskyi assured his determination to stay in the center of Kiev.

– I will stay in Kiev, here on Bankova Street, and I am not afraid of anything, said the President in a message in Ukrainian.

This mention probably means that the street address in the center of Kiev will remain in the history of Ukraine.

Zelenskyi reminded that his compatriots are not afraid of the Russian attack. After listing Ukraine’s key cities – some of which have been besieged and most of Russia are under attack – Zelenskyi said the attackers have faced a rise in Ukrainianism.

Zelenskyi called the attackers barbarians

Zelenskyi did not mention the Russian president by name Vladimir Putiniabut said that “he who has always spoken of one people did not expect such a reaction.”

The corridors leading to Russia are a propaganda trick

President Zelenskyi said Russia had turned “humanitarian corridors” into armored vehicles, even though they were supposed to offer civilians a way out of the middle of the war.

Zelensky accused Russia of using rocket launchers and mines at security corridors. Such, he said, even blocked the road to the besieged Mariupol, along which food and medicine were to be delivered to the city.

Earlier on Monday, Ukraine rejected Russia’s proposal for protection corridors that would have led to Russian-controlled areas. Zelenskyi called the proposal a cynicism aimed at getting evacuees in front of Russian TV cameras as a propaganda weapon.

The results of the discussions between the countries’ representatives have been limited. Zelenskyi said that he would have almost hoped that the talks would be the third time he saw yesterday.

However, he assured that Ukraine will continue negotiations for peace.

Zelenskyi stressed that his country is struggling through both war and diplomacy.

At the end of his speech, he mentioned that 96 soldiers deserving of a defensive battle have been awarded a medal.

– Honor to Ukraine, the President concluded his speech.
