Zelensky leaves Brussels with promises of support but no planes yet

Zelensky leaves Brussels with promises of support but no planes

The Heads of State and Government of the European Union ended their summit in the middle of the night on February 10, which focused on the postures to adopt in the face of the increase in illegal migration and the staggering industrial subsidies of Inflation. United States Reduction Act. It must be said that their debates had started late because this summit was especially marked by the arrival in Brussels of Volodymyr Zelensky, guest of honor of the summit and of an extraordinary plenary session of the European Parliament convened especially for the occasion. Received as a hero under bursts of applause, the Ukrainian president left for kyiv with promises of support but not yet with planes.

In the conclusions adopted in the middle of the night, the 27 refer to the “rapid supply of military equipment to Ukraine”, it goes hand in hand with the approval of a seventh installment of military aid of half a billion euros and the launch of an assistance mission which should train 30,000 Ukrainian soldiers this year. The detail of the equipment is not specified, because these funds can be used to finance small caliber ammunition as much as howitzers, but in any case, it is not expressly a question of combat aircraft.

► To read also: In Brussels, Zelensky assures that the future of Europe is linked to Ukraine

Determined Zelensky

Volodymyr Zelensky affirmed after his specific meetings with groups of European countries that he could not leave empty-handed and that he had agreements which are not public. But for Europeans as a whole, the supply of combat aircraft is not a priority. Emmanuel Macron sums up the general feeling by saying that he does not rule out that planes will be delivered, but in any case not in the coming weeks. There are needs for more useful and faster hardware, say the 27.

► To read also: Can France supply planes to Ukraine at war?

In their conclusions, they also reaffirm that the future of Ukraine lies in the European Union; but they do not go any further in their commitments for membership of the EU which, for Wolodymyr Zelensky, is the home and the path of Ukraine.

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