Zelensky demands serious negotiations with Moscow, the latest news

Zelensky demands serious negotiations with Moscow the latest news

10:35 – A 5th Russian general was killed, according to Ukrainian authorities

The Ukrainian authorities announced on Saturday March 19 that they had killed a fifth Russian general since the start of the conflict. It would be Lieutenant General Andrei Mordvichev, commander of the 8th Joint Army of the Southern Military District of the Russian Armed Forces. The information has not been confirmed by the Russian authorities.

10:25 – Zelensky calls on Moscow to start serious negotiations

On his Facebook page, the President Volodymyr Zelensky called on Russia to start serious negotiations in a video shot in the empty streets of kyiv at night. The Ukrainian president thus explained that “negotiations on peace and security for Ukraine are the only chance for Russia to minimize the damage caused by its own mistakes”. And Volodymyr Zelensky to warn the Russian regime: it is better to agree to “negotiate” so as not to have to suffer consequences “over several generations”.

10:14 – Russia allegedly used hypersonic missiles

The Russian Ministry of Defense said this Saturday morning that, the day before, its army used “Kinjal” hypersonic missiles in Ukraine, a first since the start of the war. They were launched to destroy an armament warehouse in southern Ukraine. According to Moscow, they defy all air defense systems.
