Zelensky calls for help against “the terror of Russian missiles” – L’Express

Zelensky calls for help against the terror of Russian missiles

Russia claimed the capture of two new villages in eastern Ukraine on Tuesday, continuing its slow progress begun several months ago in the face of an army lacking recruits and weapons. According to the Defense Ministry, Russian troops seized Miasojarivka in the Lugansk region (east) and Timkivka in the Kharkiv region (northeast), two small villages on the front.

Volodymyr Zelensky is participating in an international conference in Berlin on Tuesday for the reconstruction of Ukraine which brings together representatives of governments and the private sector, including ten prime ministers.

Information to remember

⇒ Zelensky calls for help against “Russian missile terror”

⇒ Two new villages captured by Russia in eastern Ukraine

⇒ Ukraine has lost half of its electricity production since winter

Zelensky calls for help against ‘Russian missile terror’

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday called on his country’s allies to increase their air defense aid to counter deadly Russian shelling at the opening of an international conference in Berlin. “It is the terror of missiles and bombs that helps Russian troops advance on the ground,” Volodymyr Zelensky told a panel of senior European officials.

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“As long as we do not deprive Russia of the possibility of terrorizing Ukraine, (Russian President Vladimir) Putin will have no real interest in seeking a fair peace,” he argued, swearing that “the defense air is the answer.

Scholz urges Westerners to strengthen Ukraine’s air defense

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Tuesday urged Western allies to strengthen Ukraine’s air defense, which sorely needs it in the face of Russian shelling, during an international conference in Berlin in the presence of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

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“What the Ukrainian army needs most today is ammunition and weapons, particularly for air defense,” he said, recalling in particular that Berlin has decided to deliver a third anti-aircraft defense system Patriot. “I would like to ask everyone here today to support our Ukrainian air defense initiative with everything possible,” he said.

Ukraine has lost half of its electricity production since winter

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Tuesday that Russian bombing of his country’s energy infrastructure had led to Ukraine’s electricity production being halved since the winter. The head of state says he sees the delivery of more air defense systems to Ukraine as “the answer” to stopping Russia and ending the invasion.

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“Russian missile and drone strikes have already destroyed 9 gigawatts of capacity. Last winter’s peak electricity consumption was 18 gigawatts. So half of it does not exist today,” reported Volodymyr Zelensky .

Russia: two dead in military plane crash

A Russian military plane crashed in North Ossetia in the Caucasus during a training flight, and both crew members on board were killed, the Russian Defense Ministry said Tuesday.

“In the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, in a mountainous area, a Su-34 plane of the Russian Aerospace Forces crashed during a training flight,” the Defense Ministry said, quoted by the Russian news agencies. “The plane crashed in a deserted area” and the “two members” of the crew were killed, continued this same source.
