Zelensky before the US Congress to call for the release of new funds

Zelensky before the US Congress to call for the release

The fate of Ukraine in the hands of elected officials in the American Congress. Two closed-door meetings are being held at the US Congress to keep elected officials informed of the situation. And she’s tense.

1 min

With our correspondent in Washington, Guillaume Naudin

We’re out of money and we’re running out of time soon “. The National Security Council of the presidency is sounding the alarm. If Congress does not pass additional funding for aid to Ukraine by the end of the year, Ukrainian resistance to Russian aggression will clearly be weakened and in danger.

Since this fall, the White House has been scraping funds to help the kyiv authorities. The previous authorization to draw material from U.S. Army stockpiles continues on a regular basis, but it is almost exhausted. As for economic aid, it’s over, there is no longer a dollar available.

The Biden administration is still demanding an increase of more than $100 billion for all of its national security needs next year, including more than $60 billion for aid to Ukraine alone. But Republicans are calling for more action at the southern border to unlock funds, and Democrats find they have already compromised enough on this issue.

It is in this context that the elected representatives of the House and the Senate are attending a confidential information session today on the situation in Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelensky will personally address senators by video to try to convince them to continue helping his country.

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