Zecira Musovic’s brother: “She is living my dream”

Zecira Musovic has been praised as a goalkeeper in the World Cup, not least for her saves during the match against the USA. Big brother Huso Musovic has hung up the little sister’s national team shirt in the cafe.

– I wanted to be a football professional as a child. Now she is living my dream, he says proudly.

Recently, all the focus has been on the little sister’s exploits in the World Cup. When Huso Musovic is asked how it feels that his little sister has been praised for her efforts during the WC, he sums it up in two words.

– The first word is pride. The second word is “finally”. Finally she gets to show how talented she is.

“Hope they win”

On Tuesday, Sweden plays the semi-final against Spain. Although Huso Musovic does not want to preempt the events, he is already thinking about how they can celebrate his sister when she returns home.

– Something will become clear, but we will take it one step at a time. Hope, hope they win, he says.

See more in the clip above.
