Zayera found love under Robinson 2024: Kept it a secret

Zayera found love under Robinson 2024 Kept it a secret

Robinson 2024 has rolled on all the way to the merger.

During this week’s episode, the conflicts have continued to be dense and the atmosphere has been tense at times.

During Tuesday’s episode, emotions flared in the camp after the archery competition took place. During the course of the competition, the participants who shot the best had to successively select other participants from the team who would then not be allowed to continue competing for the prize.

After Pelle Flood selected out Zayera Khan there was friction and Zayera confronted Pelle.

– I feel like a target for you. Maybe I also wanted to shoot a bow but now I didn’t get it, said Zayera.

– But Zayera, who do you think I should choose? After all, everyone was forced to choose someone and no one else is mad at each other, Pelle asked back.

Therefore, Pelle swished SEK 200 to Zayera after Robinson

Zayera was not particularly pleased. Image source: TV4

The discussion ended with Zayera removing herself from the scene as she became so angry.

Zayera Khan was in love during the time on the island

Zayera has been involved in several conflicts on the island but what not everyone knows is that she actually fell in love during her Robinson period. She told this in an interview with Happened.

A week and a half before she was supposed to go to the island, Zayera met her current girlfriend out at the pub.

– I kept it a secret, I felt it was too early to say anything. I think I mentioned it to someone, I said it gently that I had met someone before I left, but nothing came of it. So I was very careful, she told Hänt.

– When I got home and got the mobile phone, I had received a lot of messages from her. I was very moved and surprised by the messages I had received from her. I thought I want to date her, she concluded.
