Zara Larsson speaks up after the rumor about butt enlargement: “Been a little at the gym”

Right now there is a rumor that the Swedish artist Zara Larsson, 25, must have had a cosmetic procedure. Several followers suspect that Zara Larssons did a so-called BBL, or a “Brazilian butt lift” as it is called.

The followers suspect that Zara Larsson made a BBL

A BBL is a plastic surgery where you take fat from different parts of the body and inject it into the butt instead, to make it bigger.

Several famous profiles have done this type of surgery. Amongst Kim Kardashian, Paulina “Paow” Danielsson and Jasmine “Jasse” Gustafsson, which News24 wrote more about.

7 Swedish celebrities who operated on their buttocks: “I regret it”

Zara Larsson asks followers to stop spreading the rumour

Now Zara Larsson has gone out on her Tiktok and denied the rumors that she would have had a butt augmentation.

– Okay, listen now, I’m completely serious. You have to stop saying this, says Zara Larsson in the Tiktok video, referring to the rumor that she did a BBL.

Zara Larsson says that she does not know where the rumors come from, but that she demands a stop.

– I have no idea where it comes from, I have four comments that say this.

Zara Larsson about her butt: “Been a little at the gym”

Later in the video, Zara Larsson chooses to comment on what may have made followers now perceive her butt to be bigger than before.

– I’ve only been to the gym a little, just a little, Zara explains in the video.

She ends the video by saying that she plans to train even more for the summer and therefore warns followers about it.

– So this is a warning for this summer, because until then I will have done many of these and many of these, she says while demonstrating different lifts in the gym.

Here is Zara Larsson’s missing picture: “Fuck me”
