Zapata, nicknamed The Flying Man, was injured by falling into the lake with his jet-powered vehicle

Zapata nicknamed The Flying Man was injured by falling into

French inventor Franky Zapata crashed into the lake during a demonstration flight with his hoverboard, which he called flyboard.

The incident took place in Biscarrosse, in the south-west of France.

Zapata, which started to turn around after taking off, crashed into the lake from a height of about 15 meters.

It was noted that the condition of the inventor, who was taken to the hospital, was good.

Sud Ouest, a newspaper published in this region in France, reported that the inventor was brought out of the water unconscious.

Speaking to the newspaper, officials also noted that Zapata’s motor skills are good.

The inventor, nicknamed the Flying Man, would make several demonstration flights over the weekend.

The Mayor of Biscarrosse, Hélène Larrezet, announced that Zapata’s events have been cancelled.

received an order from the army

The 43-year-old inventor rose to fame by crossing the English Channel on his hoverboard in 2019.

The skateboard, powered by five mini turbo engines, can stay in the air for a maximum of 10 minutes and is powered by kerosene.

The French Minister of Armed Forces, Florence Parly, announced that the army would try the skateboard as a logistics or attack platform.

Franky Zapata, CEO of Zapata, received an order of 1.3 million euros from the army in December for the skateboard he developed in his garage.

It draws attention to the resemblance to the skateboard used by Marty McFly, played by Michael J. Fox in the movie “Back to the Future”.

The Marseille entrepreneur says he invented the turbine-powered hoverboard in his garage at home.
