Zamira goes out in the same moment in Idol as the year before: “Again?”

Breaks down during final audition • Criticizes the jury’s decision • “Became a Disney character”

Zamira Hagadal applied for “Idol” last year and made it to the final audition, but was forced to leave after the duets and did not make it to the solo song. In this year’s season, she wants to take revenge.

She makes it to the final audition once more, on to the duets. She finds herself in exactly the same situation as the year before when she steps up to the jury to get her verdict.

– I have had anxiety all day, states Zamira.

– I can’t cope if I go out at this stage again, she continues.

Zamira sang her duet with Kevin Mansoor. The jury quickly tells them that only one of them will go on to the solo song, and it will be Zamira who gets the same negative message as the year before.

– Again? Again?! Another chance, please, she pleads.

“I don’t understand anything”

The jury explains that it has nothing to do with her not being good, but that the competition among this year’s applicants is very high.

But Zamira does not agree with the jury’s decision.

– I don’t understand anything. Same fucking moment. Now I don’t think they made the right decision, I think they should have given me a chance, she says.

The entire jury thinks it’s tough to have to send Zamira home, but Peg Parnevik gives her view on why it turned out the way it did.

– Unfortunately, Zamira became a Disney character for me. It was a little too nice, a little too polished. A little too cute and too musical, says Peg Parnevik.

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Swedish music entertainment where unknown talents get the chance to show what they can do in front of a critical jury.
