Zamalek president imprisoned for a month

Zamalek president imprisoned for a month

Mortada Mansour, president of Zamalek, the second largest Egyptian football club, was imprisoned on Saturday February 25 in Wadi Natrun prison, about a hundred kilometers northwest of Cairo. He will spend a month there after the rejection of his request by the Court of Cassation. Mortada Mansour had been sentenced for insulting Mahmoud al-Khatib, the president of Al Ahly, the biggest club in Egypt.

With our correspondent in Cairo, Alexandre Buccianti

Mortada Mansour is what is called a “loudmouth”, and he is also the most controversial man in Egypt. He had already done prison, for insulting a magistrate. In prison, he also sent a number of defendants there, when he himself was a magistrate, before releasing them from prison when he became a lawyer.

Mortada Mansour was also the president of Zamalek who rose from the ashes each time he was removed from office, thanks to his skills as a lawyer.

Mortada Mansour has also been involved in politics. He was a deputy twice and a candidate for the presidency twice. It was an unwavering support of former President Mubarak when the latter was challenged by demonstrators in Tahrir Square in 2011. It was even he who, with others, had organized the famous camel charge against the protesters in Tahrir.

In short, Mortada Mansour could even come out grown up, after this brief stay in prison.

►Also read Egypt: Al Ahly and South African coach Pisto Mosimane, it’s over (2022)
