Zack Snyder’s Star Wars on Netflix is ​​going to be even bigger than expected: Sci-Fi highlight gets 2 parts

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Zack Snyder is not known for minimalist visions, for example Zack Snyder’s Justice League lasts four hours. He has similarly sprawling claims for his sci-fi epic Rebel Moon. The story will be split into two films. And more films could follow Rebel Moon 2. Ex-Star Wars project Rebel Moon: At least two films are coming to Netflix

Netflix producer Ori Marmur told Variety:

Wanted with Rebel Moon [Snyder] once again raise the bar. When we realized the extent of his cinematic world, we thought two films would be more appropriate. This kind of story can always grow. For him, it’s his own Star Wars.

Snyder himself confirmed this attitude to the Hollywood Reporter. He is very interested in Growing Rebel Moon into a massive franchise. The story of a small lunar colony fighting a sinister tyrant also sounds like fertile ground.

When is sci-fi hit Rebel Moon coming to Netflix?

The first part of Rebel Moon, or Rebel Moon I, is slated to come to Netflix on December 22, 2023. It is not yet clear when Rebel Moon II will appear. The two-part film marks the third collaboration between Snyder and the streaming service, following Army of the Dead and Army of Thieves.

The 10 biggest streaming films of 2023 on Netflix, Amazon & Co.

In this installment of our Moviepilot podcast, Stream Browsing, we take a look at the big movies coming exclusively to Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and Apple TV+ this year. The result is a list of ten special recommendations.

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From the sci-fi epic to the potential Oscar nominee, everything is included. The talents gathered are particularly impressive. In 2023 we can expect new movies from Martin Scorsese, David Fincher and Zack Snyder in the streaming space, while Gal Gadot, Leonardo DiCaprio, Henry Cavill and Chris Hemsworth will be in front of the camera.

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