Ysop, the digital aromatherapist to choose the right essential oils

Ysop the digital aromatherapist to choose the right essential oils

Hair loss, sleep problem, loss of radiance, choosing the right essential oils to relieve our ailments often proves to be difficult. Ysop offers to solve the problem with a prescription of tailor-made essential oils.

In search of natural and effective solutions to take care of their body, the French are turning more and more to the virtues of essential oils to achieve well-being. It is to meet this growing demand (+ 8% increase in sales in the country per year) that the Ysop platform was born.

A smart tool to identify needs

On this free digital platform, consumers are invited to answer a series of targeted questions to assess their needs.

  • Current concerns: lack of sleep, stress, skin problems, hair loss, etc.
  • Fitness: frequency of physical activity, contraindications, allergies, etc.

An eco-responsible approach

At the end of the questionnaire, the tool offers a prescription of tailor-made and eco-responsible essential oils. In fact, all the essential oils offered are 100% pure and chosen from French producers engaged in agri-biology and regenerative. And to go even further in the eco-friendly approach, Ysop offers 100% recyclable packaging and encourages reasoned consumption by limiting its dosages to four bottles to treat or relieve ailments. A new era of aromatherapy is on its way! To get started, go to the platform or on the instagram account @ysoparis
