YouTuber plays CS:GO at an absurd 4,000 FPS

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A YouTuber plays the shooter CS:GO with an Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 and that with crazy frame rates beyond 4,000. But what do you need it for and what does it bring you?

Frames per second (FPS) has become an important metric for many games for many gamers. Because the higher the frame rate, the smoother the game runs. High frame rates play an important role, especially for fast shooters and games where fast reaction times are important. Many professionals therefore play on extremely low graphics settings because they expect advantages over the competition.

Now a YouTuber has set himself the task of achieving the highest possible frame rate in the popular shooter “Counter Strike”. The advantage of this is that Counter Strike does not place high demands on the hardware and runs on pretty much any computer, so high frame rates can be achieved without much effort.

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YouTuber gambles Counter Strike at 4,000 FPS – can’t use the frame rate at all

Who does this anyway? The YouTuber 3kliksphilip has just over 1 million subscribers on YouTube and specializes mainly in Counter Strike. In his latest video he tried to see if he could get over 1000 FPS.

how did he do that? To do that, he first turned off and removed everything that could slow down the framerate:

  • The first thing he does is disable the game’s interface (HUD).
  • It also reduces the view range in the game and disables various graphics settings.
  • In a further step, he disables the AI ​​bots that otherwise run across the map.
  • With all the settings, he eventually hits just over 4,400 FPS in a scene where he’s staring at a boring wall on an even boring map.

    You can watch the entire video on YouTube:

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    What’s in it for him now? Basically, the thought behind such absurd FPS numbers is that you want to have a maximum advantage over your opponents. Because the smoother the game, the more accurate you can aim and hit.

    In fact, the YouTuber doesn’t get much from his thousands of FPS, because Counter-Strike has a built-in limit of 400 FPS, which is pretty high. More can not be displayed in the game itself.

    On top of that, modern display units have so far managed a maximum of 360 Hz – this is reported by colleagues from GameStar, for example, who present a current model in their article. At the CES 2022, the manufacturer ASUS had also presented the ROG Swift 500Hz, which is said to achieve 500 Hz (via

    In addition, he has created a special situation for himself here, where he achieves this high number. The average gamer probably won’t stand in front of a wall and enjoy high frame rates if they can’t even shoot at an opponent.

    What do you think of such tests? Do you think gamers will one day be able to play at such high framerates and even benefit from it? Let’s find out in the comments.

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