Sony’s PS5 Slim has slightly lost weight and size compared to the previous model. But that’s not enough for a tech YouTuber. He has now built the first portable PS5 with an integrated 4K screen in tablet format.
There is no end to the news about new mobile game consoles. After Valve was able to delight many gamers with the Steam Deck, large manufacturers and individual developers followed suit with their own handheld device.
Sony recently introduced the portable PS Portal. However, the device only transmits the screen content of the larger PS5 and is not a pure mobile game console itself.
A YouTuber has now taken on this problem and turned a PS5 Slim into a fully portable PS5: Tablet Edition.
Check out the new slim model of the PS5 in the video
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DIY YouTuber turns PS5 Slim into a mobile tablet edition
What kind of console is this? The YouTuber Matt from the channel DIY Perks took the new PS5 Slim and turned it into a mobile game console. This was made possible by a smaller mainboard that Sony uses in the latest model of the PS5.
In order to make his PS5: Tablet Edition a reality, Matt had to create his own case design. With an integrated 4K screen and an external power supply, nothing stands in the way of the mobile gaming experience, provided the battery of the controller used holds up.
How did the YouTuber do it? For his project, the YouTuber completely dismantled an existing PS5 Slim into its individual parts. He shows that Sony is using a smaller mainboard and a shrunken cooling solution for the PS5 Slim.
Despite the smaller dimensions of the new heat sink, Matt is opting for another reduced version for his tablet edition. A completely new construction made of copper with smaller fans is used, which he adapts individually to his needs.
Matt shows off the PS5: Tablet Edition on his DIY Perks YouTube channel
What was the biggest challenge? In a first test, the YouTuber checks the efficiency of his own cooling design. As planned, the heat is passed on to the fans through the heat sink. However, this is not sufficient and the console displays a warning message.
With these new findings, he expanded his design to include another heat sink. In addition, he replaces the fans with models that can blow air in two directions. His plan works and to his amazement the noise is even reduced.
What other problems were there? In order to make the game console completely transportable, the screen had to be fully integrated into the housing. So he tested the interaction with the LCD screen from a notebook. The result was not satisfactory.
Using a 4K OLED screen from a broken laptop, Matt achieved much better results. Image quality and black levels were significantly better with this model. So far, only the PS9 in a futuristic trailer from 1999 has been completely without a screen.
For good sound output, he used mini-sized speakers and subwoofers. He replaced the original internal power supply of the PS5 Slim with an external solution. He made the cable for the connection himself because it needed to be as flexible as possible for mobile use.
Is the project successful? Definitely yes. His PS5: Tablet Edition is really impressive. As a prerequisite for mobile gaming with the console, you only need a power source for the power supply. A Wi-Fi connection is only required for games that require online services.
With an additional stand, the game console can be placed anywhere. Compared to portable consoles, which can only be used alone due to their design, the YouTuber’s PS5: Tablet Edition offers real added value through shared mobile gaming with multiple controllers.
Building your own game consoles is not uncommon. In the past, hobbyists have often ventured into existing models and used them to create new, exciting projects. Since Nintendo and Sony never offered their shared game console for sale, a YouTuber has built his own version: Sony and Nintendo buried their shared game console 33 years ago – A YouTuber simply builds his own version