YouTube is testing ‘mumble’ song finder system

YouTube develops new features for Shorts born with TikTok

Continuing to be the world’s largest video platform YouTubetest the “humming” song finder system doing.

YouTube to the details of yesterday Here An update we included was on the agenda with a planned one. Today, however, a new test sounds. For now, only a very small number of Android users open for testing. new feature, the song people are looking for the name allows him to find his melody by humming. In fact, this surprising opportunity is not on the agenda for the first time in the world of Google. In 2020, Google’s main application on iOS and Android platforms. find songs by humming or whistling feature was introduced. Thanks to this feature, people were able to find the song stuck in their head with the right humming, although it was not very easy. As you can imagine, this infrastructure is very from an advanced artificial intelligence The internet giant, who received help, also offered access to the feature through Assistant. On the YouTube side, the feature is unknown when it will be activated for everyone.requires only three seconds of humming recording and also in the process to find the name of the song heard in a video, for example. three-second song recordings can also be used. The feature, which gets better after each use, can sometimes make it very easy for you to find a song that bothers you.
