Youth representatives raised the alarm about vote buying – but nothing happened

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

TV4 Nyheterna was able to tell on Thursday that Muf’s chairman tried to buy votes to win an internal power struggle. Now TV4 can reveal that several people in Muf Jämtland alerted the parent party, the Moderates – which did not react. MUF chairman Douglas Thor tried to poke the district chairman of MUF Jämtland by buying votes. In a chat thread, which TV4 Nyheterna has seen, Douglas Thor instructs an aide to swipe new members – in exchange for votes. “A question for Muf” The vote coup failed, but several people in Muf Jämtland alerted the parent party Moderates – and the matter ended up on party secretary Karin Enström’s table. But then nothing happened. – It is basically a question for the Moderate Youth League, because this is a question that happens in Muf, and then they have to investigate and deal with it, and of course answer questions, says party secretary Karin Ekström. M ducks questions Several sources for TV4 Nyheterna within MUF describe that it is uncertain whether the youth association can handle the issue, because it is MUF’s chairman himself who is at the center. The issue also seems to disturb the parent party. – We need to run to a meeting now, the interview is over, says Ekström’s employee, when they break the interview and walk away. In the player above: Watch when M-toppen interrupts the interview with the TV4 Nyheternas reporter.
