Youssou Ndour and Pape Oumar Ngom, once upon a time “Birima”

Youssou Ndour presents his musical tale on the free air

The famous Youssou Ndour performs on the stage of the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris, his new musical tale “Birima” centered on the story of King Birima Ngoné Latyr Fall. A historical and charismatic figure from Senegal, who reigned in the 19th century in the Kingdom of Cayor. It is still celebrated today in Senegal.

Nearly 30 years ago, radios were already broadcasting the song “ Birima » by Youssou Ndour on their airwaves. A true hit from one of the greatest ambassadors of African and more particularly Senegalese music throughout the world.

Birima » has now become the name of his new show. A musical tale that celebrates King Birima Ngoné Latyr Fall of the ancient precolonial kingdom of Cayor, located in the west of present-day Senegal. He reigned for only 4 years, yet he remained one of the emblematic figures of Senegalese culture. The country continues to sing his praises.

On the stage of the Châtelet theater, the show combines dance, singing and theater. It is the result of close collaboration between Youssou Ndourthe guitarist Pope Oumar Ngom and the director Madiaw Ndiaye. The first two are VMDN guests.

Birima » is to be applauded until September 23 at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris.

Reporting : Clara Gabillet visited the Christoph Person gallery in Paris the exhibition “ Afro Glitch » which brings together until October 14 the works of artists Jourdan Tchoffo (Cameroon), Raymond Thsam (DRC) and John-Baptist Sekubulwa (Uganda).
