Your Way of Drying Clothes Could Be Harming Your Health, Here’s How to Fix It

Your Way of Drying Clothes Could Be Harming Your Health

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    We don’t always have a choice of weapons when it comes to drying laundry at home. But according to a Scottish study, an extremely common practice could be contributing to daily illnesses.

    Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to hang out their washing in a garden, in the open air or in a state-of-the-art tumble dryer. Most of us do the simplest thing: on a clothes horse in the laundry room, living room or bedroom. A practice that takes up space and, moreover, could be bad for our health according to a Scottish study.

    Hanging laundry indoors can promote asthma

    In this study, researchers looked at the laundry habits of residents of a social housing development in western Scotland (not known for its long, hot, dry days). And the findings are not so appealing: In poorly ventilated rooms, hanging clothes on radiators or clotheslines to dry can account for up to a third of the humidity in the air, creating ideal conditions for mold spores to grow and dust mites to proliferate. Both conditions are known to trigger asthma.

    That’s not all: depending on the detergent used and in particular the addition of fabric softener, you unknowingly increase the quantity of carcinogenic chemicals in the air.

    But then how can you hang out your laundry safely, without buying a dryer or moving? According to the study, the solution lies in the drying areas. With no other choice, it is better to opt for a room with ventilation, such as a window or a VMC that can be activated. If you have a window facing due south, take advantage of it: open the window, let the sun act and naturally heat the laundry. It prevents bacteria from forming.

    Finally, resist the temptation to turn up the heating so that the laundry dries faster: better ventilation than an overly warm interior. Your wallet will thank you too.

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