Young stone throwers are prosecuted after the Easter riots

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The young people are charged with gross sabotage against blue light activities. It is the third indictment related to the riots in Norrköping during the Easter weekend last year.

All the defendants were between 15 and 17 years old at the time of the incident. Two of them are also charged with serious violence against an official. The main evidence is films.

“We believe that these clearly show how active the defendants have been by, among other things, throwing stones at police officers who were exposed to great danger through the defendants’ reckless actions,” says prosecutor Thomas Ramstedt in a press release.

Further charges against at least ten adults are expected in the spring.

The violence broke out in connection with the far-right politician Rasmus Paludan stating that he planned to burn the Koran.

Several perpetrators have already been sentenced for serious blue light sabotage after the riots.
