Young people’s interest in Apple and especially iPhone is growing

Young peoples interest in Apple and especially iPhone is growing

According to a study, young people’s interest in Apple and especially iPhone is growing. This situation is a negative future for Android side. he draws.

As a US company, Apple’s dominant structure in the US has not changed for many years. The company, which constantly includes new people in the ecosystem, continues to be a favorite of young people despite very strong Android competitors. Recent research shows that the new generation in the USA and other countries is still turning to Apple products. apple among the most important elements of the ecosystem iMessage is located. This messaging infrastructure works through the built-in messaging application and people are classified with different colors depending on the devices they use. The color of a message bubble sent to you blue if it is from iPhone, if green is a Android from the phone (Not data, only via SMS) is coming. Launched a campaign last year Google, He was highly critical of this situation. The company makes this situation a “iPhone purchase pressure” and sometimes lead to exclusion of Android users. Young consumers, according to recent research Worried that they may be socially excluded if they don’t have an iPhoneTherefore, young demand for Apple’s products is constantly increasing, especially in the USA. It is reported that this may create a serious problem for the Android world and more in the coming period. Because those who enter the Apple ecosystem cannot easily leave.


In Turkey, on the other hand, the situation with the focus of Apple and iPhone is much different from the USA. Young people in Turkey let go of having an iPhone because of the high prices, He can’t even think of the possibility of owning an iPhone. Of course, second-hand iPhones can be found at a relatively affordable price, but the prices of new and current models are really at a very high level not only for young people, but also for adults. Apple has not changed the $ 999 price of the main iPhones abroad for a long time, and the prices in our country increase regularly every year. Behind this are the exchange rates.
