Young people want to see new politicians in the US: “More perspectives would be good”

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Congress in the United States has set a new age record during the last period. The average age in the House of Representatives and the Senate has been just under 62 – the highest ever.

And Joe Biden, with his 80 years, is already the oldest president ever. Discussions about his age have been heard for years – and if there is another presidential election campaign, that debate is expected to gain more momentum.

– I think it can lead to people wanting younger decision-makers, for a little innovation, says 18-year-old Reese Davis.

Like her friend Reese Malui, she is a student with a great interest in society and what the future should look like. But the elected officials who rule in the US Congress do not always feel that they have much in common with them.

Young voters have been voting more and more in recent US elections – just like in the last midterm elections. And some young Americans believe that, combined with more younger candidates, could lead to a rejuvenation of American politics.

In the player above: “You should support the younger ones more”
