Young people walk less than seniors

Young people walk less than seniors

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    People over the age of 51 walk more daily than younger generations, a recent study reveals.

    Nearly 9,000 steps for those over 69. According to a study conducted by the We Ward pedometer app, seniors walk (significantly) more than younger generations. Indeed, 18-35 year olds only walk 6,057 steps per day, i.e. almost 3,000 steps less.

    If 10,000 steps a day to stay healthy is a marketing argument, according to a recent study, walking between 8,000 and 10,000 steps per day is associated withto a progressively lower mortality risk”. According to data from WeWard, young people are still below this recommendation.

    A decline with the pandemic

    To carry out their research, the specialists measured the number of steps taken between December 1, 2021 and February 20, 2022 by its French users. In their data, they included the incidence rate related to the pandemic. “Between December 1, 2021 and December 24, 2021, users walked more than in 2020 over the same period”, they specify. The average going from 6,249 steps, against 6,574 in 2021.

    The second period measured was between December 25, 2021 and January 2, 2022. “Over this period, the number of steps was 5,506 steps in 2020 and 5,531 steps in 2021. At the same time, the incidence rate increased by +121%”, analyzes the study. The end-of-year celebrations are also a factor to be taken into account. For the third period, the Covid-19 incidence rate reaches its peak. Between January 3 and January 25, 2022, “users took an average of 6,663 steps, compared to 6,199 steps in 2022 (-7%)”.

    Telecommuting has limited the number of daily steps

    The pandemic has impacted the travel habits of 18 and 51 year olds. In detail, we note that 18-35 year olds saw their number of steps drop in 2020-2021, during the epidemic peak periodgoing from 6,445 to 6,057 in 2022. The 36-51 also walked less, going from 7,616 steps to 7,288 steps. “We can assume that the strengthening of telework and the closure of certain schools have considerably reduced walking”underline the specialists.

    For the older categories, those over 52, the pandemic has not had a strong impact on their walking habits. The results remain stable, going from 7,988 steps for 52-68 year olds in 2020-2021 to 7,973 in 2021-2022.

    The prize for the greatest average covered goes to those aged 69 and over who cover 8,989 steps daily in 2021-2022. It is also the only category that records an increase in times of pandemic peak. “It would be interesting to know if these individuals are more likely to live outside cities, or if this trend is confirmed for retired people (with no telework constraints)”says the report.
