Young people, Eurispes: Italy, European country with the most NEETs

Young people Eurispes Italy European country with the most NEETs

(Finance) – Most citizens believe that in the last 12 months there has been a net or partial worsening of the economic situation general (59.1%). 10.3%, one in ten citizens believes that Italy’s economic situation has improved (clearly or partially) during this year. For 14.3%, the Italian economy in the past year has experienced a period of stability. Many have not been able to give indications on the matter (16.3%).

This is what emerges from the 34th Eurispes Italy Report. Looking ahead, the belief is that the general economic condition is destined to deteriorate (47%). For 24.3% we are about to experience a period of stability and only for 6.4% there will be an improvement. 36.5% of citizens say that their own and their family’s economic condition has remained substantially stable over the last year, while for 39.4% it has worsened. 45.3% of Italian families are forced to use their savings to get to the end of the month, an increase of 8.2% compared to 2021, although the worst year was 2020 with the lockdown (47.7% ). Families who face all monthly expenses without problems (35.3%) decreased by 9% (compared to 2021).

To the first place in the concerns of Italians, conflicts and energy crisis. 84.3% of citizens, in fact, are worried about the possibility of a world conflict, while the invasion of Ukraine by Russia worries 83.2% of Italians. But the energy crisis worries even more (87.3%).

The report also notes that in Italy are constantly increasing those who are defined as NEETs (Not in education, employment or training) and in 2020 Italy is the country where there are more neets than all the other states of the European Union, with 25.1%; followed by Greece (21%), Bulgaria (19%) and Spain (18.6%). The number of neets in the 15-34 age group, between 2007 and 2014, increased to reach first place in the Eurostat ranking in 2020 with 3,085,000 units. Of the 3,085,000 neets in Italy, 1.7 million are women. 25% of girls under the age of 30 belong to the group and of the 8.6 million women in this condition, throughout Europe, a third belong to Italy, where there is a high share of neets especially in the southern areas. .

Just under half of Italians (46.6%) admit they have no idea how it originated pandemic from Covid-19. Just over one in 4 respondents (25.7%) believe that someone is behind it, while for 22.9% it was just a coincidence. A lower 4.8% say, beyond all evidence, that there is no real pandemic. Among those who do not believe that the pandemic derives simply from chance (remember that they are 25.7%), 42.1% believe that the virus was created in the laboratory and then escaped from control, 25.7% think instead of being created in the laboratory and purposely spread around the world. For a 15.4% it would have been realized too late of the existence of the virus and were not able to stop it, for 11.3% the virus is a normal flu virus but has been used for other purposes. In indicating a manager, the belief is that the pandemic is not a coincidence: in almost a third of cases (31.4%) the Chinese government is indicated; another 27.3% attribute the responsibility to the strong global powers, a 12.1% to the pharmaceutical multinationals.

But what do the Italians think of the PNRR? The 63.8% do not believe in the correct use of funds; more than a third of Italians, 36.2%, say they are confident that the resources will be used correctly. These are some of the data that emerge from the 34th Eurispes Italy Report. 25.5% of citizens would like the resources used for the maintenance and safety of existing works, affirming a perceived fragility of our infrastructures. 24.8% look to the future, preferring the ecological conversion of existing infrastructures, while 24.5% would like interventions aimed at bridging the infrastructural gap in the South. Only 1 in 10 Italians (10.2%) would like the funds to be used for the creation of major works.

“We would never have thought we would have to present the Italy Report in a situation marked by the addition of the emergency of the Covid pandemic, a tragedy that continues to claim hundreds of victims every day, with the emergency of the war that has opened unexpectedly in our continent” . Thus, in the general considerations that open the Report, the President of Eurispes, Gian Maria Fara. “As an Italian community today we must also reflect to become aware of the limits of our cognitive systems. One thing is certain: the two emergencies have revealed themselves to the world as surprising, unexpected, unpredictable facts. This is the point to think about, thinking about how counterproductive and far from any ethical reference is the position of those who have justified their own evident limits of analysis, knowledge and forecasting, defining these emergencies simply as “major strategic surprises”.

In the historical transition we are experiencing, concludes the President of Eurispes, it is necessary to work for the construction of a “Good Society”. This means, beyond any possible regurgitation or ideological temptation, to act for the identification and sharing of the balance point of true social cohesion. A new social pact based on the affirmation or, better still, on the reaffirmation of those human values ​​indicated by the Italian Constitution on ethical-social relations; values ​​expressed as rights and duties to solidarity, as responsibility towards oneself and others, as openness to merit. These last two years, marked first by the pandemic and then by the war in Ukraine, have put the country to a severe test but, at the same time, have highlighted its sometimes unexpected ability to resist and the value of some of its components. And this despite the fact that there is a policy that does not renounce the ancient vices and irresponsibly row against the stability sought in the current moment of crisis and emergency by the Government and the President of the Republic. There is obviously an Italy that works, which is capable of expressing a high quality of action. In short, “an Italy that exists” is ready. It is from here we can start again “.
