Young people drink less alcohol – but adults more

Alcohol consumption in Sweden goes down. Expressed in figures, consumption fell by 2.3 percent in 2024 compared to 2023. It shows a new report from the Central Association for Alcohol and Drug Information, CAN.
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It is a major reduction compared to previous years, says Charlotta Rehnman, Can

The Swedes drink less and less. It shows the annual report from CAN that measures the Swedes’ alcohol consumption.

– We drink less and less alcohol and we have seen that for a very long time, says Charlotta Rehnman.

Impaired economy, a reduction in smuggled alcohol and that the number of people who buy alcohol via the network is fewer are some of the reasons according to CAN.

– Compared to last year, we have had a worse economy, which means that we do not buy as much alcohol from abroad, says Charlotta Rehname.

The system sells less

According to this year’s report, Systembolaget’s sales have also decreased even if it is higher than it was before the pandemic. The Central Association for Alcohol and Drug Information Monitorm measurements that form the basis for the report is made every year since 2000.

According to Charlotta Rehnman, the Swedes’ alcohol consumption has decreased every year since 2004, but age and gender seem to affect.

Young men drink less now

At the same time as the total alcohol consumption is decreasing, older and pensioners are groups that are increasing. Young men have reduced their consumption and among ninth graders, consumption has fallen sharply.

-In the early 1970s, 90 percent of young people were alcohol consumers, today it is 35 percent, says Charlotta Rehnman.

– No one really knows why consumption is declining among young people, but it may be that there are simply other interests that attract more. It may also be because it is not as important to drink alcohol today as it was before.

Wine most popular since 20 years

The survey has also looked at what we Swedes drink and even here some have changed.

-During the 1990s, it was the liquor that dominated the market since there was a shift and the beer increased and from 2005 the wine has been over. So now it is wine that is the main alcoholic beer in Sweden.
