Young people do not fall: It triggers a heart attack! What are sports supplements?

Young people do not fall It triggers a heart attack

It should be kept in mind that excessive protein or amino acid intake may have negative effects on the liver, kidney and digestive system.

Insufficient fluid intake can increase the solid load on the kidneys and disrupt the nitrogen excretion balance. Likewise, it can cause deterioration in liver functions, insufficient absorption in the intestines, diarrhea and cramps. This can be a disaster, especially for athletes in developmental age. Professional support should be sought for the use of such products and the content of each product should be strictly controlled in detail.


Unfortunately, apart from protein powders, drugs containing anabolic steroids and their derivatives used by athletes and androgenic hormones can be used. Such hormones can cause muscle destruction in the body, as well as cause excessive growth and enlargement of the heart muscle. In the advanced stage, a heart muscle disease called cardiomyopathy may occur.

Triggers a Heart Attack

It is also known that such hormones increase the level of malignant (LDL) cholesterol in the body and decrease the level of benign cholesterol (HDL). As a result, this metabolic imbalance, which occurs in the early period, especially in young people, causes plaque formation on the vascular walls, and a heart attack can be triggered by the rupture of the formed plaques.


Enzyme, vitamin, etc. sold under the name of sports support in the market. It can be sold in products with different contents. Although there are substances that can be useful among them, the current scientific data could not clearly prove their benefits.

Balanced nutrition is a very important element for the health of athletes, and people need to regulate their diet and work under professional support.
