Young people abuse shares – take big risks

More and more people are suffering from share abuse, according to the treatment company Spelfriheten. In 2022, a total of 631 people sought help for share or crypto addiction, last year almost twice as many sought help, 1108 people.

Above all, many younger people are attracted by various influencers who describe strategies for making big and fast money on the stock market.

Economic Agency

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  • – They rarely talk about the risks but focus on messages about how easy it is to make money on shares and crypto, says Allan Erdman, communications manager Sperlireheten, to Economic Agency.

    Even the Support Line, which is run by Region Stockholm, has previously flagged that the number of people reporting problems with share or crypto trading is increasing.

    Status show fast money

    According to Allan Erdman, it has become a status thing among young people to be able to show off how quickly it is possible to make money from shares.

    – It risks becoming a hunt for money in the same way as gambling addiction. The faster you make the money, the better, but what you don’t say is that the risk increases, he says.

    “Really expensive lesson”

    Even the savings profile Mohammed Salih, who runs the Instagram account Mohammed’s path to the million, bet his money on high-risk stocks when he started stock trading. In a short time he lost almost the entire deposited amount.

    – A friend earned 20,000 on a short drive and then I felt that I had to get into it. I totally burned myself, bought a lot of crap stocks, as many do. I burned 97,000 of my 100,000. It was a really expensive lesson, but I still found my way back to the stock market, he says.

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