Young Marseilles Man Between Life and Death After Wild Dive: Advice to Avoid the Worst

Young Marseilles Man Between Life and Death After Wild Dive

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo)

    Medical validation:
    July 30, 2024

    Last Sunday, in Marseille, a 26-year-old man jumped from the Corniche Kennedy. Since then, his life has been in danger. What are the dangers associated with these extreme jumps and how can they be limited? An update with Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of Doctissimo.

    For years, young people from Marseille have been flocking to the edge of the Corniche Kennedy to attempt the “big jump”. The adrenaline is there, and so is the competition. The problem? Many teenagers are seriously injured there, like this tragedy that occurred on Sunday.

    The young man was pulled out unconscious

    According to France 3 PACAthe young man jumped from a 15-metre high cliff, at the level of the small port of the counterfeit currency, on the Kennedy cornice in Marseille. Rescued unconscious by 32 Marseille firefighters, he was in cardiac arrest.

    The victim was quickly pulled out of the water“, they specify, “but in cardiac arrest, this man was transported to the Timone hospital. His vital prognosis is engaged“.

    In total, 11 vehicles were mobilized to save the young man, France 3 added.

    An incident, like so many others on the Corniche Kennedy, which requires the police to carry out two daily rounds, on land or at sea, to warn young people of the risks they face.

    Wild diving: what are the risks?

    According to Dr. Gérald Kierzek, medical director of Doctissimo, there are many.

    It is essential to integrate the notion of risks, particularly among young people, when they engage in let’s dive wild“, he says. As for natural bodies of water and swimming pools, “Beware of insufficient depth for a safe dive, with a risk of significant impact. It is always advisable to assess this before launching. In natural environments, beware of rocks or obstacles hidden under the surface; this is a mortal danger for divers”, adds the doctor.

    Concerning the risks, they are therefore multiple:

    • Hit the bottom or an obstacle. Which can lead to spinal injuries and potentially a quadriplegia“, the expert specifies.
    • A violent impact of the head against the ground or an object.With severe head trauma (loss of consciousness, brain damage, etc.), he further details.
    • Drowning if unconscious. “Especially if no one can provide rapid assistance: fractures, sprains or other injuries, particularly to the upper limbs and head,” specifies Dr Gérald Kierzek.

    Also, before diving in, it is always advisable to:

    • To assess the depth of the water and ensure that there are no hidden obstacles, “like rocks or debris”, warns the medical director of Doctissimo.
    • To follow the rules in swimming pools”and not to dive in shallow areas”, he emphasizes.
    • To dive in the presence of other people who can intervene in the event of an accident.Children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable in this regard.“, says the doctor.
    • Avoid isolated or unsafe places“, recommends the expert.
    • Wear a helmet when participating in extreme water sports“, advises Dr. Gérald Kierzek.
    • Do not consume alcohol before dive“, finally recommends the doctor.
