Young man sentenced – threatened SD chairman in Dalarna

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

It was in September last year when the Sweden Democrat was on his way home to his apartment in Falun that two men appeared.

– They shouted that I should stop and followed me. They shouted out a lot of threats and insults. When I got home to my home, I could see through the window that they were still standing outside and continued to shout insults and threats, Giertz said when SVT spoke to him after the incident.

Sentenced to youth care

The man is sentenced to youth care for illegal threats and molestation at the Falu district court and that he must also pay damages of SEK 15,000 to Rasmus Giertz. The defendant neither admits nor denies the crime as he has a poor memory of the incident, according to the district court.

In December 2022, Giertz also reported an assault in Borlänge, where he himself is also reported for the same crime.

Hear the SD politician after the incident when SVT interviewed him:
