Young man performed sexual acts against dog

Blames on psychosis – the district court does not believe him • “appears as conscious”

The man, who is 25 years old, was sentenced last week at Kalmar District Court for crimes he committed in 2022 and 2023.

These include five cases of drug offenses. During the police investigation, how the man shows at the time suffered from serious drug abuse and how it affected his mood. The man went into psychotic state, from which he lacks memory of his actions.

However, this was not the case in the winter of 2023.

Found movies in the man’s phone

In films that the police found on the man’s phone you can see how he exposed a dog to sexual acts.

The man claims that he was at the present time in an intense and persistent abuse of alcohol and drugs, and ended up in a state where he lacked awareness of his actions. This image is not shared by the district court.

Kalmar District Court states that the man was not drug -affected at the time or that he was only affected after cannabis use in relative near future. They also state that the dog, whose owner the man met to and from, was subjected to suffering without any acceptable reasons for it.

The dog’s owner: “Fucking shock”

“In an overall assessment, the district court considers beyond reasonable doubt that NN carried out the deed with intent. It is clear that the measures stated in the films are actions that appear to be conscious ”.

– Okay, this comes as a fucking shock, huh, so God. So my dog ​​has been my child, says the dog’s owner to the police in interrogation.

By the time of the hearing, the dog had died from uterine inflammation.

– It explains why she was so sad. So, she was not just a dog, the woman continues.

The same phone also found images that are considered to be child pornography. Some of them are considered “particularly ruthless”.

The man acknowledges parts of the crimes but denies that he sold drugs. He is sentenced to eight months in prison.
