Young ferocious VG Voitto took the trotting kingship, a dramatic turn in the queen’s race | Sport

Young ferocious VG Voitto took the trotting kingship a dramatic

In Jyväskylä’s Kuninkuusravei, a huge breakthrough was seen when the only 7-year-old stallion defeated the top-notch Evart. Lumi-Oosa’s wreath dream fell when the wheel of the cart broke.

There were extremely tight competitions for the title of food king and queen, where the tension lasted until the chalk lines of the final leg.

In the battle of the stallions, VG Voitto defeated the three-time trotting king Evart in each of the three trips. In the total time, the difference between the stallions was only 0.4 seconds.

– Evartti was in top form, but Voitto was better. This silver was not wasted, Evart’s attendant Jutta Ihalainen confessed after the job.

In the overall competition of three distances, it is customary to consider experience as an important advantage, because normally horses compete at most once a week.

VG Voitto’s lack of experience didn’t hinder the win.. It raced to the top in the final distance of 3,100 meters after the first round.

– There was a bit of a premonition that the opponents would pressure us with a gallop, so it would be a relief when Moilanen drove to the top in good time, nurse Kaisa Tamminen said.

Toere trovikingas is owned by Grönfors Trading and grown by the Grönfors family. It has been for a long time Seppo Suuronen in coaching.

Suuronen has previously won trotting kings with Patrik and Villihot. VG Voitto conkari considers young Ori to be an exceptional individual.

– It has enormous gifts, you can’t make such a horse by training.

VG Voitto is known as a young brat with a lot of attitude. Even at raves, it likes to yell at its competitors. However, with Kavioura, it is able to focus on what is essential.

– Absolutely perfect performance today. Three wins and a wreath, Kaisa Tamminen summed it up.

The wheel of Lumi-Oosa’s cart broke

Instead, the mares’ queen race saw a dramatic turn, when the title defender Lumi-Oosa, who had won two races, got exhausted in the final race at the tail of the pack.

The title was taken by Suven Sametti, who won two wreaths before. It was also a great surprise for the mare’s trainer Tapio Perttusen.

– After two trips I was almost depressed, but in the warm-up for the final trip the horse was more cheerful. Although I didn’t even know the situation at the end, when I couldn’t see the difference between Lumi-Oosa.

Lumi-Oosa coach-instructor Harri Kotilainen according to which the pursuit of the wreath ended in bad luck.

– First the wheel broke from our cart and later Raitala’s horse galloped in front of us. Without them, we would have been in the top ranks. But it has to endure, trotting is known to depend on the little ones.
