You’ll never see a Doctor Who companion on the show because it’s too dark

Doctor Who has had many incarnations and companions. However, one companion is so dark that you didn’t get to see her on the show.

What companion is this? The companion is The Squire, who first appears in the Doctor Who story The Then and Now. She was at the side of the War Doctor, who is an incarnation of the Doctor.

However, The Squire did not have good intentions.

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The Squire actually wanted to shed their Dalek nature

What were the companion’s intentions? The Squire is a Dalek double agent sent to spy on the Doctor. In between, The Squire and the War Doctor were separated (via The Squire then wanders the universe for a thousand years before meeting the Doctor (the eleventh incarnation) again.

The Squire is badly injured in a fight. When she wakes up, she remembers her Dalek origins. She confesses that not only did she fool the Doctor, but she tried to shed her nature and be The Squire (via Tardis Wiki).

Ultimately, however, she cannot shed her malicious Dalek programming, and the Dalek origins of The Squire also become more and more visually recognizable in the confrontation. When The Squire is about to hit the Doctor with her laser gun, what is left of her is killed by the Doctor’s wife, Professor River Song.

What are the Daleks? The Daleks are malevolent non-human aliens in the science fiction series Doctor Who. The appearance of the genetically modified figures resembles oversized salt shakers. First introduced in the 1960s, they represent Doctor Who’s most well-known enemies. The Daleks’ goal is to rule the universe and wipe out all other living beings.

Who is the War Doctor? The War Doctor is an incarnation of the character between the Eighth and Ninth Doctors, but which the main character has long erased from her own memory.

In Doctor Who, the War Doctor was featured as part of a special in the series. The fact that he had companions was not an issue in the series and he put the name “Doctor” there.

Did you know The Squire? Write us in the comments. And if you still need movie tips for the weekend, here are the 13 best science fiction movies according to IMDb.
