You will soon be able to play one of the best strategy games for free

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Into The Breach is among the best strategy games out there. 4 years after its release, it not only gets a major update, but also a mobile version for iOS and Android. You can even play them completely for free – provided you have a Netflix subscription.

Into The Breach was released in 2018 as the second game from the developers of the indie hit FTL: Faster Than Light. Among connoisseurs, the turn-based strategy game Into The Breach is considered one of the best games of its kind. On Steam, a whopping 94% of over 12,100 reviews are currently positive.

4 years after the release and 2 years after the last update, the game is now getting a large, free expansion in the form of the “Advanced Edition” on July 19th. But not only that: Into The Breach is also coming to iOS and Android. And for people with a Netflix subscription, it’s completely free.

Into The Breach is arguably the best game on Netflix Games to date

What kind of game is this?

  • Into The Breach is a turn-based strategy game in which you use mechs to stop an alien invasion.
  • The game has roguelite elements: a full run is short and if you die you have to start over. With several possible teams as well as random upgrades and opponent constellations, the game provides a lot of replay value.
  • Since you know every move of your opponent in advance and many steps trigger a domino effect, the game is reminiscent of a mixture of chess and puzzle game.
  • This combination of replayability, entertaining and clever gameplay makes it perfect for mobile. Thanks to Netflix Games, that will soon be possible. Netflix has thus grabbed what is certainly the most popular and well-known title to date for its new gaming service.

    Here you can see the trailer of the game and the new Advanced Edition with lots of new content:

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    How do I play the game via Netflix Games? Once the game is available on Netflix Games on July 19th, you will need to download it via the Netflix app on your smartphone. That’s how it is done:

  • Install the Netflix app on a compatible device and sign in with your active Netflix subscription.
  • Then select the “Games” section on the left and in the Netflix app.
  • In the “Games” section you then click on Into The Breach and you can download it using the “Download game” button.
  • On Android devices, the “Google Play” store opens to the game’s store page. You can then install the game on your device.
  • It works similarly on iOS devices, with the difference that the App Store opens and you have to click on “Get” or the cloud icon.
  • A detailed explanation of Netflix Games and the download process can be found here:

    Netflix is ​​getting 3 new games today – how can I even play there?

    Gaming subscriptions are a big new trend thanks to Xbox, PS Plus and Netflix

    What’s interesting is that Netflix is ​​following a subscription trend in gaming here, having made subscriptions for movies so big in the first place. After the huge success of Xbox Game Pass, Playstation has now completely changed its offer and switched to a “Game Pass”-like model with the new PS Plus.

    You can find out exactly what that looks like in this crisp 2-minute video:

    Everything you need to know about Sony’s new PS Plus model – in 2 minutes

    After Apple with the “Apple Arcade” subscription service, Netflix now also wants to lure smartphone users with a gaming offer.

    What speaks for Netflix, however, is that it’s part of their movie streaming service. Compared to Xbox, PlayStation or Apple, you don’t have to take out a separate subscription just for gaming – those who already watch films via Netflix can now also play the games they make available.

    Do you already know Into The Breach? If so, are you excited about the mobile port? Have you already used the Netflix offer? What do you think of the subscription trend in games? Tell us in the comments.

    Here we compare the 2 major subscription services for consoles and introduce them to you in more detail:

    Game Pass vs PS Plus – The two major subscription models for consoles compared
