We asked you about your content preferences in MMOs and MMORPGs. Here’s what you told us about PvP and PvE.
Almost every major MMORPG these days has both PvE and PvP content. The two modes offer fans very different types of content and therefore often appeal to different target groups.
We wanted to know from you in a survey whether you are more of a PvP or PvE fan and a large number of you answered us.
How you voted: A total of 3,215 readers took part in the survey. Each person could only cast one vote and the election could not be reversed.
Here is the vote distribution:
The survey shows that over 80% of you either don’t play PvP at all or only drop by the mode occasionally. The balanced fraction of readers who play both modes equally is just over 6% of all respondents.
For the fans of pure PvP, however, it looks rather thin with a total of 10.88%. Only 3.36% of respondents play PvP exclusively and 7.52% play mostly PvP, sometimes throwing PvE into the mix.
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Is PvP just not good in many MMORPGs?
This is what you told us: In the comments below the poll, you told us why you prefer one mode over the other.
Some of these reasons were very simple. PvE fans shared that PvP is just not for them and not really their cup of tea. According to this part of the respondents, PvP is too hectic and stressful for them. When gambling, PvE fans prefer to relax.
I’m a pure PVE player and I really don’t want to be forced into PVP like in destiny 2. It’s just not my world.
MeinMMO reader Manu
Preferably in MMORPGs almost exclusively PvE games, very rarely PvP. It’s too hectic for me and in WoW, for example, I’m not that good at PvP.
MeinMMO reader Victor Frankenstein
There were more problems with PvP than just dislike, however. On the one hand you had a lot of positive things to say about PvP in the comments.
However, the actual implementation of PvPs in many MMOs is rather poor. According to your comments, PvP is often neglected and the mode suffers from bots, scammers and griefers.
Hmm… My order of precedence seems to be something like this:
MyMMO Reader TMP
[…] For me personally, PvE, like PvP, is part of a really good MMORPG, but PvP very quickly ends up on the sidelines or is only used for cheap content, to create content where there is none. Implemented crudely to distract from the fact that there is little content and thus hated by many at first touch because all they know is gank. […]
MyMMO reader Steed
It has also been commented that it is the poorly implemented PvP that is responsible for the general aversion to the mode. The new players are immediately put off by their bad experience in the form of ganking and do not want to deal with PvP anymore after that.
You would like a fair and balanced PvP in which skill decides the victory. But that’s not an easy task, especially in MMOs and MMORPGs with different skills, gear builds and level progressions.
But do you have any suggestions how to fix the problem? Do you know any really good examples of PvP in MMORPGs? Tell us about it in the comments.
3 MMORPGs for PvE fans in which PvP hardly plays a role