You shouldn’t do that with your money today: “a trap”

You shouldnt do that with your money today a trap

Running food prices and high interest rates have become everyday for most people lately. News24 has talked to savings economist Frida Bratt about what you should know and what traps you should avoid – right now.

In recent years, it has been tough for many Swedes whose households have been increasingly difficult to get together the private economy. The reason for this is several, including high interest rates and rampant food prices.

In February 2025, we saw the prices of food shine at a furious pace, where both juice, coffee and dairy products reached record levels.

It came to result in a boycott against the grocery stores during week 12, where the purpose was to set hard and show that the prices that the food giants sat were not acceptable.

In several places, many chose to continue the boycott even when a new week arrived.

Read more: Boycott grocery stores week 12? Hit is turning many instead

You should do that now – to strengthen your finances

In times where more and more people are allowed to turn around and twist on the slants to make life go together, have News24 Talked to Nordnet Bank’s savings economist, Frida Brattto find out what she thinks you should do when the money is pushing. Especially considering the current interest rate situation that is again at high levels.

– My best tip is to follow the development, because it is so uncertain right now, but also to set up that the moving mortgage rates will not come down anymore. They will stabilize around these levels, which in one and the other can probably cause some disappointment. If you have plans to bind the interest rate, it may be wise to do it soon, as interest rates on loans with longer binding time have already started to rise, she tells News24.

Read more: News Today – Current news from Sweden and the world

Interest increase or lowering? Be prepared

Furthermore, Bratt believes that the next change from the Riksbank can result in an interest rate increase or lowering, regardless of the Riksbank may not even know what it is. It makes it all difficult to plan for Swedish households. But one should be prepared that it can go in both directions, she says.

– You need to be prepared that as mortgage rates have fallen, of course, the savings rates have also done so. Compare accounts and do not be afraid to have different commitments from different banks. It may be a trap to think that you have to gather everything with one and the same player, as some bank may have low interest rates but high card contributions and contributions for pension savings.

Read more: Don’t put money on the wrong savings account – where you should have them

Spare economist Frida Bratt. Photo: Press image Nordnet Bank

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According to Frida Bratt, you should always negotiate your interest rate, because there is a trap you otherwise risk going in.

– A trap may be that just because the Riksbank lowered clearly, it becomes easier for the bank to argue that your mortgage rate should not be lower. But make sure it is not higher than necessary, the average interest rates are somewhere around 0.75 percentage points above the policy rate, which can be something to compare with.

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Economic traps you should avoid right now

It is far from the only thing you should pay attention to. There are more so -called traps you can walk in. At least when it comes to the declaration, which this year occupies most Swedes’ thoughts.

– A trap that has to do with the declaration is that we probably have some superstition on the number of deductions we as private individuals have the opportunity to do. Most often, the Swedish Tax Agency’s rules and requirements for a deduction are so tight that you will not be allowed deductions, and then you can instead become liable for payment.

Instead, you should focus on the large deduction areas housing sales, share sales and travel in the service, where you have the greatest chance of making deductions that actually give thousands in the wallet, Bratt says.

– Another trap is to see any tax refund as a gift from the state or the Swedish Tax Agency. It is absolutely not, it is your money that you “lent out” for a certain time to the Swedish Tax Agency, and which you should rightly get back now, she concludes by establishing in the interview with News24.

Read more: Important Detail of the Declaration 2025 – It must be reported

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