“You should take responsibility and not hide behind the backs of other countries”

You should take responsibility and not hide behind the backs

Jussi Saramo (left) and Pia Kauma (right) disagree on what Finland’s line is after the UN resolution vote.

– This seems like an excuse that Hamas should have been mentioned separately.

That’s what the chairman of the parliamentary group of the Left Alliance thinks Jussi Saramo Finland’s decision to vote no in the UN resolution calling for a cease-fire in Gaza.

Saramo reminded in the A-studio on Monday that Israel was not mentioned by name in the draft resolution either. According to Saramo, the Finnish government is currently supporting the Israeli administration, which is violating international law in its military operations in Gaza.

Together with Saramo, a member of the parliament’s foreign affairs committee Pia Kauma (collective) was dismayed by Saramo’s comment. According to Kauma, the expression “all terrorist acts” would not have been an adequate formulation after the terrorist acts of Hamas.

– Finland works like our reference countries, Kauma defended Finland’s voting behavior.

Kauma reminded that, for example, all the other Nordic countries voted no. Norway made an exception in the vote and voted in favor of the resolution.

There were a total of 45 countries that voted blankly. Among them were Britain and Germany. On the other hand, several European countries also voted in favor of the resolution.

The EU split into three different parts in the vote, Saramo argued.

– Talking about control countries is quite strange. I think the Finnish government should be ready to take responsibility for its own decisions and not hide behind the backs of some other countries.

You can watch A-studio’s Monday broadcast on Areena.
