You should NOT choose this number on Eurojackpot

You should NOT choose this number on Eurojackpot

Eurojackpot involves choosing five numbers between 1 and 50, and two star numbers between 1 and 12. To win huge sums, you have to get all seven numbers right and at the same time you don’t want to choose the same number as other players. Then you risk having to share the profit, reports The evening paper. Therefore, you need to know which numbers are smart to choose.

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The game’s unlucky number

David Stewartresearcher in mathematics at the University of Manchester in Great Britain, believes that the numbers 7, 11, 13 and 17 should be avoided. According to information that Aftonbladet has obtained, the most common numbers that Swedes played on during 2023 were 7 and 13.

Other numbers to avoid are those between 1 and 31. Stewart believes that this may be due to profit-hungry players choosing the birth dates of their loved ones. Therefore, it is better to take numbers like 39, 38, 45, 41 and above all 40.

– If others have access to this information, it may happen that many people do the same thing. So then maybe you should change it a little, says Stewart to Aftonbladet.

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What is the chance of winning?

To win Eurojackpot, you need to match two of the numbers 1 to 50 and one of the star numbers 1 to 12. According to Svenska spel, this happens on one of 149 lottery tickets. Using a coverage model that covers as much ground as possible, Stewart came up with the following:

– Then I calculated that you can get at least two correct numbers 1-50 with 37 lottery lines.

Then you have to match with a star number and that means you need to take all 37 rows six times. That would mean that you use 222 lines and with a line cost of SEK 25, it results in a cost of SEK 5,550.

– The best thing to do is to choose the numbers that people rarely choose. The last five on one list and the last two on the other.

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