You should never do that when you argue with the neighbor

You should never do that when you argue with the

During the summer months, many homeowners spend more time outside fixing and improving their grounds. You make things nice, invite loved ones home, renovate or build new. But what can you actually do, and when?… Is it allowed to cut the grass late at night? Or having parties into the wee hours? And how close to the plot line can you build a greenhouse?

Fredrik Aldmolawyer at Familjens Jurist, notices that more and more homeowners seek legal advice on these issues during the summer.

– With us, questions about neighbor conflicts are definitely more common during the summer, especially during the late summer, he says News24.

He believes that many conflicts could have been avoided if more people knew the rules, but also that common sense goes a long way. In his experience, conflicts tend to fester and fester during the holidays before legal help is sought.

– Once a really infected neighbor dispute has arisen, it is often difficult to discuss the issue without involving representatives. The advice is therefore to prevent disputes from arising.

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Most common reasons

It goes without saying that you cannot disturb the neighbors in any way, but the rules are often unclear for the person who lives in the house when it comes to certain activities.

It can be difficult to know what is allowed and what is not, and when you have the right to complain about your neighbor, which can lead to conflicts.

– One of the most common problems usually concerns shade trees that spread leaves, needles and the like onto the neighboring property. Especially if branches or roots grow in over the other lot, says Fredrik Aldmo.

According to him, there are certain things that can lead to a conflict escalating.

– The worst disputes usually arise when an overzealous neighbor saws down something that is on the neighbor’s plot, he says.

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Lawyer’s warning: You should never do this

Fredrik Aldmo points out that much can be solved with communication and that you should not escalate things before you have had a dialogue with your neighbour.

– Talk to the neighbour, your relationship will not improve if you call the police if it only concerns a loud barbecue evening. However, if you suspect a crime, you should always call the police.

If your neighbor has a messy plot, it may actually be a matter for the municipality’s building committee. Aldmo believes that plots of land should be kept in “kept condition”, but that it is also advisable to talk to the neighbor first.

– It may be that someone in the family has suffered from a physical or mental illness and then a garden is not usually a priority. Many older homeowners also do not have the opportunity to take care of the garden as they did before, he says.

The family lawyer’s best tips for dealing with neighbor feuds

Fredrik Aldmo believes that there are things you can do to keep a good tone with your neighbours. Here are his top tips:

  • Talk to the neighbor before you build anything and if the neighbor needs to approve the location of the greenhouse, make sure to get it in writing.
  • Follow through on what you promised the neighbor, if you said you would take down a shade tree for the summer then make sure to do it (the same advice applies to the person who promised their partner to paint the patio during the summer). Also, don’t forget to return the pressure washer or drill.
  • Keep an eye on your guests during a barbecue, make sure they can park without blocking the neighbor’s driveway.
  • Make sure the children take responsibility if something breaks or is damaged. You don’t have to prevent your children from playing soccer, but if the ball goes into the neighbor’s greenhouse, it is important that you immediately go in and tell the neighbor and sort out the financial part.
  • Cut the grass, but don’t do it with the motor mower at seven in the morning.
  • Offer to help if your neighbor seems to be having trouble looking after his lot.

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